The case of the presentation of the book "Pantheon Italien" by the member of the Bavarian scientific societies I. Wismayer and t...

Identifier 39e7f3c3-0ea2-4367-a1f2-c84e463fc258
Title The case of the presentation of the book "Pantheon Italien" by the member of the Bavarian scientific societies I. Wismayer and the rejection of his request to Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna to authorize her to dedicate this book to her in connection with her ex-dedication to her Queen of Bavaria
Dates 1819

Оригинальный заголовок дела: Дело по письму Висмейера о поднесении Государыне императрице Елизавете Алексеевне книги "Pantheon Italien" : 3 сентября 1819 г. - 20 сентября 1819 г.

Рукописный текст. Чернила

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 733 / 87 / 81
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series General Affairs of the 1st Department of the Department of Public Education for the years 1818-1840.
Extent 11 листов
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
Display format