Letter of KP Pobedonostsev to LA Tikhomirov, publicist, with gratitude for the sent numbers of the "Russian Review" and the reco...

Identifier 4d7dbd0f-619a-41bd-9b39-49c15a3c85f8
Title Letter of KP Pobedonostsev to LA Tikhomirov, publicist, with gratitude for the sent numbers of the "Russian Review" and the recommendation to translate into Russian 4 volumes of the stories of the Ukrainian author received from the city of Lviv
Dates 1892
Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number 248
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series Materials of Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev on the Chancellery of the Procurator-General of the Holy Synod
Extent 2 листа
Fonds Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907)
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