Honoring MP Belyaev on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the creation of Russian symphony concerts. From left to right: V...

Title Honoring MP Belyaev on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the creation of Russian symphony concerts. From left to right: VV Stasov, KF Antipov, SM Blumenfeld, AN Antipov, AA Kopylov, AK Lyadov, NA Lavrov, FM Blumenfeld , SA Dianin, Ts. A. Cui, NA Artsybushev, PA Trifonov, NA Rimsky-Korsakov, MP Belyaev, NA Sokolov, AK Glazunov , AA Petrov, J. Vitol
Series Op. 1
Fonds Rimsky-Korsakov N.A.
Contents Групповая фотография
File Оп. 1
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