Identifier 40c0c34a-2e6c-4e59-8358-8d208c916171 Title 1917 Dates 1917 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number РГИА. 1276 / 21 Cataloguing source ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина Extent 295 eдиниц xранения Creator СССР. Совет министров Fonds The Council of Ministers (1905-1917) Contents Управление комиссара Временного правительства по делам Kавказа в Петрограде File РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 135. About strikes in the city of Baku. РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 165. On approval of the disposal of used tempered.governor of the Caucasus emergency loan in 4000 p.spending to combat the epidemic of plague РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 208. About the Mugan steppe. РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 212. On recognition of the Dagestan region and the provinces of Baku, Erivan Yelizavetpol and threatened by cholera РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 253. On Cossack public self -government in the Terek region РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 260. On the order of heading elementary schools in the Caucasus. РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 27. On the adoption of measures to the manual of order in the Grozny oil industry. РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 63. About the device of Ossetia. РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 66. The case of the Council of Ministers on the allocation of the Dagestan region in administratively from the Transcaucasus. РГИА. 1276 / 21 / 68. At the petition of the Chechens to change the administration in Groznensky and other Chechen-populated districts Display format Archival description RUSMARC