
Identifier 7a221a17-99d6-4232-84bc-2738cda87272
Title 1913-1919
Dates 1913
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number ГА РФ. 130 / 2
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Extent 1202 единицы хранения
Creator РСФСР. Совет Народных Комиссаров
Fonds Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR)
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 101. Correspondence with the All-Russian Emergency Commission on Hosters
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 104. Letters from the plenipotentiary representative of the RSFSR in Berlin to A. Ioffe about the relations with Germany and the foreign policy position of the Soviet Republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 107. Correspondence on the arrest of the Danish Red Cross Mission, lists of the Finnish Council of People's Commissioners and the People's Secretariat of Ukraine and the list of departments of the National Committee of the Red Cross
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1099. Correspondence of the All-Russian Emergency Commission and the Revolutionary Tribunal on the consideration of applications of various persons accused of counter-revolution, sabotage and speculation
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1100. Notifications of the All-Russian Emergency Commission on the release of prisoners from the arrest
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1102. Correspondence with the All-Russian Emergency Commission on Acceleration of Consequences of Prisoners
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1106. Telegrams provincial and district Executive Committees of the provinces supply bread, on the situation in the Civil War.Telegrams from the field about the attempt on the life of Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1108. Protocols, resolutions of general meetings and meetings held at factories, institutions and military units about the attempt on the life of Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1109. Telegrams of the chairman of the Ural Regional Council on the imprisonment of the former Tsar N. Romanov and his family members
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1113. Telegrams of the commission for concluding Brest peace to the Council of People's Commissars on the course of the peace negotiations
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1114. Transcripts of the plenary sessions of the delegation of the peace conference of 1918 and the telegrams of the Russian delegation to Brest-Litovsk on the course of the peace talks
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1115. Foreign radiograms on the course of military operations on the negotiations in Brest-Litovsk, intercepted by the radio station of the Tavrichesky Palace at the CEC
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1158. Telegrams from Murom about the suppression of the ESEROV
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 116. Reports of the military leader of the Higher Military Council M. D. Bonch-Bruevich on the formation of units of the Red Army, training of commanders, German espionage and assumptions under the terms of the peace treaty with Germany
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1177. Missing a member of the Committee for the October holidays
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 1179. Manuscripts of Radek K. Brest-Litovsk
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 145. Correspondence with the Central Collegium on Prisoners and Refugees, the Russian Red Cross Society and other institutions on the organization of movement and provision of material assistance to prisoners of war and refugees
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 171. The draft decree to merge all activities on tuberculosis and on the organization of health resort business in the People's Commissariat of Labor, and a list of the departments of the People's Commissariat
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 185. Regulation on the organization of the case of public education in the Russian Socialist Soviet Republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 191. Correspondence with the People’s Commissariat of Education, the press of the press at the Council of People's Commissars and other institutions on the organization of public education
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 198. Memorable Notes, Resolutions, Acts of Commissions and other materials related to the work of institutions for the activities of arts and the protection of artistic and historical values.Review of the activities of the Theater Department of the People's Commissariat for Enlightenment, Memo
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 203. Correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Property of the Republic on the restoration of the Kremlin buildings and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 221. The memo "Income tax and its control", a copy of the telephone message with the autograph of V. I. Lenin on the addition of tax from the families of the Red Army soldiers
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 256. Decrees, draft decrees and correspondence on the activities of the People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 258. A radio telegram to the Russian Embassy in Berlin on the decree declaring the ownership of all industrial and commercial enterprises the property of the RSFSR, the estimates of incomes for the first half of 1919 and the scheme of the internal organization of the People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 264. Decisions of the Council of People's Commissars and correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Food on the distribution and supply of food
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 265. The project for the distribution of grain rations in Petrograd, a memorandum on the allocation of an emergency temporary loan of 40 million rubles for the maintenance of the committees of the poor, reports and other materials related to the activities of the People's Commissariat of Prodigies
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 266. Reports, explanatory notes and regulations on the food situation and exchange of goods with the village and correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Food on its activities
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 268. Correspondence with the People's Commissariat for Food and other institutions on the procurement of food
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 270. The order of the Council of People's Commissars on combating speculation, correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Food, the Supreme Military Council and the food committees on supplying the population and the army with food, the activities of the gubernia and requisitioning detachments and the fight against bagging
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 280. Report on the audit survey of the Central Procurement Bureau of the People's Commissariat for Food
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 306. Correspondence with VSNKh, Joint Venture "Provodnik", Kizelevsky mountainous district and others on equipment and financing of industrial enterprises and on the activities of workers' control agencies in the rubber industry
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 307. Correspondence with the Supreme Economic Council and other institutions on the work of the electrical industry and power plants
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 308. Decisions of the Council of People's Commissars on the nationalization of industrial and commercial enterprises. Instructions for implementing the decree on the nationalization of the sugar industry, other materials on the nationalization of buildings, industrial and commercial enterprises
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 311. Minutes of the meeting of the Commission of the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Council of National Economy dated December 9, 1918 about the sending of specialists and engineers to Astrakhan to streamline the case in the fisheries
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 318. Decisions of the Council of People's Commissars and correspondence with the Central Collegium of the Red Cross, the Higher Council of Medical Colleges and other institutions on the organization of health
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 319. Протоколы совещаний Центральной Комиссии по борьбе с заразными болезнями, справки о заболеваемости холерой, инструкции и другие материалы о деятельности Народного Комиссариата Здравоохранения
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 32. SNA decrees about the organization of the working and peasant Red Army, the Workers' and Peasant Fleet, Commissarities for Military Affairs and on the issues related to the defense defense
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 321. A memo to combat tuberculosis, the estimate of the Medical College of expenses and other materials on the activities of the People's Commissariat of Health
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 322 а). Correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Health and other agencies and organizations of epidemic diseases and the development of measures to combat them
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 322 б). Projects for the organization of the health department of the Central and Regional Red Cross agencies in Moscow, correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Health on this issue and the organization of health care
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 323. Minutes of meetings of the Central Board of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 324. Protocols of the sessions of the Central Collegium of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 325. Protocols of the sessions of the Presidium of the Central Board of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 326. Orders of the Central Collegium for the Management of Affairs of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 327. Orders and minutes of meetings of the Central Collegium of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 328. Orders and circulars of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 329. Orders for the Office of the Central Commission for Managing the Affairs of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 330. Orders of the Committee for the Reorganization of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 331. Report of the Commission on Elimination of the former Proletarian Red Cross and correspondence on the reorganization of the Russian Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 331 а). Draft Charter, the main provisions for the reorganization of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR and the appeal of the Committee for the Reorganization of the Red Cross Society
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 334. Regulations on the production of the All-Russian Industrial and Professional Census of 1918
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 335. Regulations on the production of the All-Russian Industrial and Professional Censuses of 1918 and information on the loading, reception and general work of the railways of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 358. Telegrams of managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars Kropotkin P. A. and Chairman of the Dmitrovsky Council on the provision of Kropotkin in all
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 37. SNK decrees on public education
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 449. Telegrams addressed to the name of Lenin in connection with the attempt on his life
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 452 а). Telegrams addressed to People's Commissars in connection with the attempt on the life of Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 452 б). Telegrams on the situation on the fronts and greetings to Lenin in connection with the attempt on his life
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 453. Telegrams addressed to People's Commissars in connection with the attempt on the life of Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 46. Decrees and draft decrees of the Council of People's Commissars, on the nationalization of oil-producing, oil-processing and oil-trading enterprises, on the development of peat fuel and on issues related to the organization of industry
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 468. Congratulatory telegrams to Lenin and the CPC, on the anniversary of the Great October Revolution and the revolution in Germany
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 473. Welcome telegrams of Lenin to Karl Liebknecht and the revolutionary soldiers of Germany in connection with the German revolution
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 482. Telegrams of Local Executive Committees and other institutions on the requisition of food and consumer goods
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 499. A telegram with transcripts of meetings of the Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian delegations on the conclusion of the Brest Peace and reports on the negotiations
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 500. Telegrams with shorthand reports of meetings of Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian delegations on the conclusion of the Brest Peace and reports on the course of negotiations
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 501. Telegrams on the conclusion of the Brest Peace and the establishment of diplomatic relations with Germany
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 555. Telegrams on ensuring the monetary content and ration of disabled people and labor and their families, families of the Red Army and servicemen and the issuance of benefits and pensions to various persons
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 59. The testimony of the doctor Vinokurov and the assistant to the military commissar of the 5 Moscow Soviet Infantry Division and other materials on the attempt on the life of VI Lenin, the official bulletins on the state of health of VI Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 595. Telegram of counterrevolutionary agitation in the Altai
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 60. Protocols and resolutions adopted at the meetings of the various agencies and organizations, and other materials of condolence, protest and indignation at the attempt on the life of Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 604. Telegrams on the counter-revolutionary leather meter and Kulatsky uprising in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow province and resolutions from places, condemning the counter-revolutionary speech of the left speakers
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 61. Telegrams and newspaper clipping dated September 20, [1918] with the resolutions of meetings and congresses in connection with the attempt on the life of Lenin
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 611. Telegrams of political situation in Kuznetsk Tomsk province
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 613. Telegrams about the political situation in Minusinsk and Minusinsk county
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 616. Telegrams about the Kulak uprising in the Arzamas district of the Nizhny Novgorod province about the counter -revolutionary performance at the Sormovsky Plant
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 631. Telegrams of political situation and counter-revolutionary uprisings in Tambov province
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 634. Telegrams on the political situation and counter-revolutionary speeches in the province of Tula
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 647. Telegrams on the terrorist attempts and murders of the Soviet workers and the death of commanders of the Red Army on the fronts
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 652. Telegrams on the evacuation of industrial enterprises, institutions, military and railway property
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 674. State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations. Fund State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations. Personal file of a member of the State Duma of the Third convocation from the Poltava province of Pavel Nikolaevich Malama
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 68. Statements of different persons with petitions to accelerate the investigation, exemption from under arrest and correspondence on the consideration of these applications.SHNA SPECIAL RESOLUTION ON THE ALL-RESSKY AND DISTRICT unions of July 1, 1918 and decree on the protection of libraries and a book
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 709. Telegrams on the organization and work of food detachments and on combating bag-making
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 711. Telegrams on the procurement of food
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 712. Telegrams on the procurement of food and the dispatch of food to the center
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 716. Telegrams on the supply of food to the population, on firm prices for bread, vegetables and other commodities
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 719. Telegrams about the situation of military, metallurgical, mineral, textile and leather industry
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 721. Telegrams on the nationalization of the mountain, oil, forestry and fishing industries
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 729. Телеграммы о распространении эпидемий и эпизоотий и мерах борьбы с ними
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 745. Telegrams from Davydovka-Dyatkovo about the occupation of the western regions by the Germans, about the food situation: radio messages about the situation in Germany and relations with Soviet Russia. Greetings to VI Lenin and SNK
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 760. Telegrams from Raditsy-Ryazan on the war against the Czechs, the revolutionary mood of the population in areas occupied by the Germans, and ceded to Ukraine, the food situation, requisitions and other questions, welcome to Lenin and
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 773. Orders of the commandant of the Kremlin from 20 / III to 14 / IV-1918.
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 777. The register of passes issued for the passage to the Kremlin for 1918-1920. The autographs of JV Stalin (sheets 6, 11, 13)
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 785. Telegrams TT.Lenin, Stalin (copies), Sverdlov and others on the formation of the Red Army according to a single plan, events at the front, position in the Caucasus, Ukraine, in Turkestan, Western region and other areas, on the activities of the T. Stalin in Tsaritsyn, work
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 789. Records of negotiations on direct wire and telegrams on relations with Germany and Ukraine and on other issues of foreign policy of the Soviet Republic
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 796. The telegrams of the Russian peaceful delegation in Kyiv and its address about the invasion of Gaidamaks in the neutral zone and the attack on Martinovka, about the trade exchange with Ukraine, the supply and sending of prisoners of war and communications to Turkestan's authorized representatives to Tashkent on
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 803. A summary of the most important reports of the Department of Soviet Propaganda at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 14, 1918, telegrams and recordings of negotiations on a direct wire with the Russian Peace Delegation in Kiev and Soviet organizations on the ground about the annulment of the Brest-Lithuanian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 808. Telegrams and records of negotiations on the direct wire of relationships with Germany and Ukraine and other issues.Greeting India Soviet Republic (Radiogram of the CEC of the Turkestan Republic from Tashkent - l. 19)
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 821. Telegrams and records of negotiations on the direct wire t. Stalin, Plenipotentiary representatives of Turkestan, Lithuania and Belarus and other persons on the situation in Latvia, Turkestan, the organization of the Belarusian government and on other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 826. Bulletins Press Bureau at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in August-September 1918, during the Civil War, the international situation, the attempt on the life of Lenin and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 85. The draft foundations of the Constitution of the labor republic, worked out by the Executive Bureau of the Union of Socialist-Revolutionary Maximalists (sheets 2-43), the declaration of the rights of the working and exploited people (sheets 64-66), the instruction on the organization of Soviet power in
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 86. A constitution outline drawn up by a member of the Communist Party of Szczepanski (sheets 5-19)
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 87. Draft provision on the Russian Soviets (sheets 5-15) and clipping from the central newspapers on this issue
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 876. Telegrams and records of negotiations on direct wire with the Russian Peace Delegation in Kiev about the agents of the Russian Food Bureau, the arrest of the Odessa Consulate General, the Red Cross in the Crimea, the passage of trains through Ukraine and other issues
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 89. Draft Chapter 1 of the Constitution of the RSFSR "On the Electoral Law", the theses of the report and the draft amendment to the Constitution "On the Workers 'and Peasants' Soviet Inspection" and the draft resolution on the general debate of Commissioner A. A. Reisner
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 897. Telegrams on the exchange of goods with Ukraine, the work of food agencies and other matters of the People's Commissariat of Food
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 90. Draft Constitution of the RSFSR and correspondence with the People's Commissariat for the investigation of complaints submitted to the SNK Affairs Department
ГА РФ. 130 / 2 / 97. Correspondence with the emergency commission to combat the counter-revolution on the acceleration of the investigation, liberation on bail and on other issues
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