Guzei, Yana Sergeevna (candidate of historical sciences).
"Yellow danger": ideas about the threat from the East in the Russian Empire in the late XIX - early XX century. : the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 / Guzey Yana Sergeevna; St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - St. Petersburg, 2014. - 26 p. ; 21 cm. - Place of protection: St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - List of works avt .: p. 26 (8 items). - Bibliograf. in a substring. note. . - 100 copies.
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1. The people (the collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Russia - Relationships - Japan - con. 19 - beginning. 20 centuries. - Abstracts of dissertations. 4. Japan - Relations - Russia - con. 19 - beginning. 20 centuries. - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Russia - Relationships - China - the con. 19 - beginning. 20 centuries. - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. China - Relations - Russia - con. 19 - beginning. 20 centuries. - Abstracts of Dissertations. |
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