International legal problems of international lease of the state territory in relations between the Russian Federation and neigh...

  Chernyshev, Dmitry Nikolayevich      
International legal problems of international lease of the state territory in relations between the Russian Federation and neighboring countries: the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of juridical science: specialty 12.00.10 / Chernyshev Dmitry Nikolaevich; [Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. - Moscow, 2010. - 28 p. ; 21. - Bibliography: p. 27-28 (6 names). - Place of protection: Institute of State and Law, RAS .
1. Power (collection). 2. State territory - Management - Legal issues - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBK 67.910.31я031
Source of the electronic copy: IGP RAS. Site
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