Improvement of methodological approaches to poverty assessment in the Russian Federation

Voronkova, Olga Vladimirovna    
Perfection of methodical approaches to the assessment of poverty in the Russian Federation: dis. to the soisk. scientist. step. Cand. econ. Sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Voronkova Olga Vladimirovna; [Omsky state. un-t them. F. M. Dostoyevsky]. - Omsk, 2008. - 22 seconds. ; 21. -
Bibliography: p. 22 (9 items).
. - 100 copies. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Economics and management of the national economy.
ББК 60.541.32я031
ББК 65.244я031
Source of electronic copy: Omsk State University. Website
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