Special legal regimes: general theoretical analysis

Limanskaya, Anna Petrovna (candidate of law).    
Special legal regimes: general theoretical analysis: thesis abstract for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences: specialty 12.00.01 / Limanskaya Anna Petrovna; [Growth. state. economy. un-t (RINH); Place of protection: Sarat. state. jurid. acad.]. - Saratov, 2015. - 30 p. -
Place of defense: Sarat. state. jurid. acad .. - List of works avt .: p. 29-30 (10 names). - Bibliograf. in a substring. note
1. Power (collection). 2. Theory and history of law and state; the history of the doctrines of law and the state. 3. Emergency situations - Management - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.
ББК 67.4 / 67.9я031
ББК 66.3 (2Рос), 123я031
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