Bocharnikov, Mikhail Vasilievich (Candidate of Legal Sciences).
Theoretical and methodological analysis of the nature of local government as an institution of civil society and the basis for the formation of a "vertical" of power in Russia: (regional aspect): dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences: specialty 12.00.01 / Bocharnikov Mikhail Vasilievich; The Cuban. state. agrarian. un-t. - Krasnodar, 2008. - 181 p. - Bibliography: p. 166-181 (235 names.) And in a subword. note
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1. Power (collection). 2. Theory and history of law and state; history of legal and political doctrines. 3. Local self-government - Subjects - Russian Federation - Theses. 4. Civil Society - Regional Aspect - Russian Federation - Theses. |
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