Theoretical and applied principles of prosecutor's supervision over the execution of laws on the licensing system

Subanova, Natalya Viktorovna    
Theoretical and applied principles of the prosecutor's supervision over the execution of laws on the licensing system: the abstract of the diss. ... Doctor of Jurisprudence: 12.00.11, 12.00.14 / Subanova Natalia Viktorovna; [Place of defense: Acad. Gener. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation]. - Moscow, 2014. - 63 p. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Judicial activity, prosecutorial activities, human rights and law enforcement activities. 3. Administrative law; administrative process.
ББК 67.401.133.122я031
ББК 67.721-91я031
The source of the electronic copy is the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. Website
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