Internet resources: Search engines as the most efficient interaction channel with users
MPG Agency has released a report on efficiency of advertising communication. Search on Internet as well as a contextual advertising is 4-6% more efficient than their main competitors – newspapers and television.
Advertising via traditional Mass Media fails to bear the palm legging behind the user’s independent data search and its further discussion in forums, blogs, as well as discussions on TV and in the newspapers.
Researchers have chosen 6 criteria in order to estimate targets of advertising campaigns, (e.g. getting general idea about the product, taking final decision about the purchase). Traditional Mass Media turn out to be more effective when providing the general information about a product or a service.
In order to get more detailed information customers firstly turn to search engines, later to online/offline friends. It is remarkable that Internet banners appeared to be among outsiders. Media advertising on Internet as well as billboards are not very popular serving as a source of information for a small number of customers.