Internet and society: Runet contributes to the increase of efficiency of state governing at all levels
Runet helps to improve governance at all levels, said Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in his address to the guests of the ceremony of presentation of “Runet Prize" - national award for the contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet.
"Runet is developing the infrastructure of direct democracy, there is now an opportunity to voice one’s opinions on important issues of the modern development of the country and participate in the discussion of policy documents, oversee the work of public authorities" says the greeting, read out by the Head of the Ministry of Communications, Nikolay Nikiforov. According to D. Medvedev, "it is now important to learn how to fully use these new tools."
Dmitry Medvedev said that the Russian segment of the Internet has a strong position in the world rankings of national domains, and its economy is growing steadily. "It is important that Runet is not just providing citizens with access to the communicative and educational facilities of the Web, but also helps to improve state governance at all levels", stressed the head of the government.