Society and book culture: The International Conference “The Rumyantsev Readings – 2013. Intellectual culture and a book” in Moscow
The International Scientific Conference “The Rumyantsev Readings - 2013. Intellectual culture and a book. Traditions and the present day” takes place on 16-17 April 2013 at the Russian State Library in Moscow and is devoted to the 150th anniversary of the opening of the reading room of the first public library in Moscow.
The purpose of the Rumyantsev Readings 2013 is to fully consider the book as a social and cultural phenomenon in different historical periods, from the modern point to estimate the contribution of libraries in preservation and dissemination of knowledge.
Issues for discussion:
- The change of historical eras and the evolution of the book;
- The Book World - the mirror of history and a cultural phenomenon;
- The Book legacy - a storehouse or a burden for the New Russia?
- Priorities of the library at the present stage: the preservation of traditions and innovations in the information security of society;
- The Rumiantsev library as an integral part of national history and culture;
- The public library as a cultural phenomenon. Library to the community and society for the library;
- Collectors, curators, educators. Private initiative in forming the foundations of cultural institutions.
To participate in the conference are invited specialists of libraries, museums, institutions, publishing houses, research institutions, non-government organizations, and representatives of state structures.