The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

4 March 2016

The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with its own video materials presented in the framework of the educational project "Video materials" Knowledge of Russia". The project is aimed at the reflection of memorable dates of Russian history and general issues related to the Russian statehood. The main objective of video materials - the development of cultural and spiritual potential of young people, awakening the desire for a deeper study of the history of the Fatherland.

New acquisitions include video lectures, dedicated to Russian classics. 

-A. S. Pushkin, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. A. Blok

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Historical Regional Studies Institute of the History of the St. Petersburg State University Helena Lelina Historian reads Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (45 min. 24 sec.) analyzed the tales of the Fisherman and the Fish Pushkin and magic fish of German writers of the brothers Grimm, which showed obvious differences in lifestyle, the social structure, the Catholic and Orthodox culture, the mentality of Russian and German peoples. The lecturer noted that the events taking place in the country, affect the work of culture and art, and with extraordinary precision is reflected in their works. 

Ph.D., assistant professor of the t. Petersburg State Institute of History Olga Borisovna Sokurova Historical dominance of the new Russian literature: Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Blok (68 min. 40 sec.) told how the great Russian writers, comprehending the lessons of history, in their works prophesy about today and tomorrow.

-M. Y. Lermontov

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Humanities Institute SKFU Denis Ivanovich Petrenko in his lecture The latest research of the life and work of Mikhail Lermontov in the scientific school of the North Caucasus Federal University "Text Linguistics: Semantics, syntactics, pragmatics" (36 min. 12 sec.) noted, that the merit of Lermontov is that he wrote a dictionary and chronotop of Caucasus in Russian cultural space. He introduced in the Russian cultural context as equal - Caucasian realities and characters. After Lermontov Caucasus is already an integral part of Russia. Lecturer introduced novelties of Lermontov works, in particular with the monograph of K. E. Stein, D. I. Petrenko "Meta poetics of Lermontov", which examines works of Lermontov with great cultural baroque polyphony analyzes styles, language features are considered incarnations Baroque in the text of the novel "Hero of our time", studied the poetic logic, harmony, text, critical thinking artist, emblematic of the text, as the representant theatricality of the Baroque style.  

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Humanities Institute SKFU Tatyana Karpovna Chyornaya Measure of the human person in the novel of M. Y. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" (53 min. 51 sec.) defined the place of Lermontov in the literary process of the first half of the XIX century: "Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol - "three pillars" upon which all subsequent Russian literature. In their work, of course, there is mutual integrative, but at the same time each of them gets into a new area of ​​relations with reality… Lermontov ontology is associated with the inclusion of a single life in general, when there is a constant attraction to the harmony and the continued implementation of the tragedy, inseparable is love and death. Art world of Lermontov simulated internal dialogue of man and creator of the microcosm of the individual, the soul and the macrocosm of the universe "The keynote speech was thought that." Lermontov meta subject - a story quest, the game's plot, plot trial plot fatalism and tragedy, relaxed irony and justified subject factor of the ontological uniqueness and beauty of art phenomena, created by Lermontov". 

-A. P. Chekhov

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of History of Russian literature of the Moscow State University, chairman of the Chekhovian Commission of the Council on the history Vladimir Borisovich Kataev Contemporary Chekhov (44 min. 14 sec.) examined the effect of Chekhov's drama on world theater development, proved the idea that Chekhov, like Shakespeare, will always be in the repertoire theaters of different countries. He introduced with interpretations of Chekhov's plays in Latin America and Japan. He elaborated on the scenic reading of the play "Uncle Vanya" at the Moscow theaters (Moscow Academic Theater Mossovet, the E. B. Vakhtangov State Academic Theatre), of Chekhov's theme in the works of A. Konchalovsky. Responding to questions from the participants of video lecture, V. B. Kataev rightly noted that Chekhov has enriched the Russian language with idioms, which continue to live today as anonymous, which is very difficult without loss translated into other languages: in the village of my grandfather, as if something it came out, horse name, the man in the case, and others.  

The report of the doctor of philological sciences, professor SKFU Olga Konstantinovna Strashkova Operation of poetic drama text of Anton Chekhov in drama in the turn of the XX-XX centuries (22 min. 01 sec.), read by a candidate of philological sciences, Deputy Director of the Scientific Library SKFU Irina Valerievna Dubrovina are allocated defining features of Chekhov's drama, on the example of the concept of "death" were considered creative relationship discoveries of Chekhov theater and searching the modern Russian drama.

-S. A. Yesenin

Lecture of Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Yesenin Scientific Center of the S. A. Yesenin Russian State University, the Russian Writers Union member Olga Efimovna Voronova Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin in the dialogue of cultures (39 min. 24 sec.) is devoted to the perception of poetry of S. A. Yesenin as the phenomenon of Russian culture of the world's scientific and cultural community, analysis of the causes of the growing interest in the phenomenon of Yesenin in foreign countries, humanistic mission in Yesenin’s poetry in the modern world. The lecturer noted that the value of Yesenin's poetry as the embodiment of the Russian world is that it is an ambassador of humanism, kindness and peace among peoples.       

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of World Literature of the Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language, a senior researcher at the Department of Yesenin group of the department of modern Russian literature and Russian literature abroad of the A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature Tatiana K. Savchenko Actual problems of modern Yesenin’s works (34 min 20 sec.) considered the great poet of the creativity in the context of his literary and artistic connections and general trends in the development of Russian literature.

The publication of new scientific-informative and educational videos at the Presidential Library website will be continued.