Report Zolotonoska County Zemstvo Board .... XLV regular session for the year 1908. XXI regular convocation for 1884

    Zolotonosh Uyezd Zemstvo Administration.
The report of the Zolotonoska County Zemstvo Board ... - Zolotonosha, 1868-1915. - 24 cm. -
Location of the publishing house. Reports for the years 1869-1876, 1879-1899. - Poltava; for the years 1877-1878. - not specified.
report for 1867: Report on actions and orders ...; for the years 1881-1915: Report of the Zolotonoska County Zemstvo Board to the Zolotonoshsky Uyezd Zemstvo Assembly ...
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
XLV regular session for 1908: the 21st regular convocation for 1884. - 1885. - III, 213 p. .
Source of the electronic copy: RSL