Repkin, Vladimir Vladimirovich
Educational dictionary of the Russian language: a textbook for the secondary school: (program of developmental learning): 14,100 words / V. V. Repkin; Scientific and Practical Center for Developmental Education in the Russian Language. - Edition 3-e. - Kharkiv ; Moscow: Infoline, 1995. - 654 p. ; 27 cm. - Bibliography in the annotation: p. 2. . - 22000 copies. - ISBN 5-85757-033-6
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I. Scientific and Practical Center for Developmental Education in the Russian Language. Russian language (collection). 2. Russian language - Dictionaries. 3. Russian language - Educational publications for high school. |
ББК 81.411.2я21
Electronic copy source: PB Original book: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen |