Russian Philological Bulletin. T. 62, No. 3-4 1909

Russian philological bulletin: the scientific and pedagogical journal. - T. 1-77. - Warsaw, 1879-1917. -
Subheadings: 1879 T. 1, 2 - 1880 T. 2 The scientific journal published under the editorship of MA Kolosov; 1880 T. 3 - 1904 T. 51 The scientific journal published under the editorship of AI Smirnov; 1904 T. 52 - 1917 Educational pedagogical journal edited by EF Karsky.
Printed from 1879 in Warsaw, in the printing house of M. Zemkevich and V. Noakovski, in the printing house of the Warsaw Academic District; since 1915 in Moscow in the Synodal printing house; in 1917, 77 No. 1/2 - in Petrograd, in the printing house of AV Orlov, v. 78 No. 3/4 in Kazan, in the typography of the University.
"Russian Philological Bulletin" - scientific linguistic and historical and literary magazine, founded in 1879 by Professor M. A. Kolosov. Until 1915 it was published in Warsaw, in 1915-1917. - in Moscow, Petrograd and Kazan. Periodicity: four issues per year (two numbers were volume). In all, 78 volumes were published. The journal published studies on the language, folk poetry, Old Russian and Slavic literature, articles and notes on the new Russian literature, a great place was occupied by works on comparative and general linguistics, the history of the Russian language and Slavic paleography. Since 1907 in the "Russian Philological Bulletin" printed works of the Moscow Dialectology Commission .
I. Kolosov, Mitrofan Alekseevich (1839 - 1881). II. Smirnov, Alexander Ivanovich (literary critic, 1842-1905). III. Karsky, Evfimiy Fedorovich (1860-1931) .1. Russian language (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Russian Philology - Periodicals. 4. Russian language - History - Periodicals. 5. Old Russian literature - Periodicals. 6. Russian literature - Periodicals.
ББК 80.4я52
ББК 81.411.2я52
Electronic copy source: PB
Original book: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
T. 62, No. 3-4 1909 / ed. Ed. prof. EF Karsky. - A type. Warsaw. training. okr., 1909. - [443] p. Sec. pag. -
Bibliograf. in a substring. note. and in the text. - Index at the end of the book "Contents of the LXII volume of RFF V. (Nos. 3 and 4, 1909).
Electronic copy source: PB
Original book: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
Publisher тип. Варшав. учеб. окр.