Definitive tables of marine and migratory fish of the European Arctic Ocean and the seas of the White and Kara

Knipovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1862-1939).    
Definitive tables of marine and migratory fish of the European Arctic Ocean and the seas of White and Kara / prof. NM Knipovich. - 2nd edition. - Moscow, 1926. - 36, [2] c .. - (Proceedings of scientific research institutes of industry / VSNKh USSR, Scientific and Technical Department, No. 144). -
On the title page in Nadzag: No. 144. Supreme Council of the USSR, Scientific and Technical Department.
I. Institute for the Study of the North (Leningrad). II. THE USSR. The Supreme Council of the National Economy (until 1932). Scientific and technical management.1. Territory (collection). 2. Development of the Arctic (collection). 3. Ichthyological research - North - USSR. 4. The Arctic Ocean - Research. 5. White Sea - Comprehensive research. 6. The Kara Sea - Research.
BBK 26.89 (211)
BBK 63.3 (211) 614-1
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Russian Geographical Society
Catalogue object