Collection of materials on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. on the Balkan Peninsula. Issue. 83. Documents relating to the activ...

Collection of materials on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. on the Balkan Peninsula [Text]. - St. Petersburg: edition of the Military Historical Commission of the General Staff, 1898-1911. - 28 cm. -
Publishing House. 33, 39, 45, 48, 50, 51, 53-97: publication Military-ist. commis. Main Directorate of the General Staff.
I. Russia. General Directorate of the General Staff. Military Historical Commission. II. Russia. Main Headquarters. Military Historical Commission. Gurko, Iosif Vladimirovich (1828-1901). 2. Radetsky, Fedor Fedorovich (1820-1890). 3. Totleben, Eduard Ivanovich (1818-1884). 4. Nikolai Nikolayevich Art. (Grand Prince, 1831-1891). 5. Alexander II (imp., 1818-1881). 6. History. Historical Sciences - Russia - The period of capitalism (1861-1917) - The period of industrial capitalism (1861 - the 2nd half of the 90-s of the 19th century) - International relations. Foreign policy - Wars - Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878) - Military actions - Balkan theater of war - Sources - Documentary sources. 7. Russia.
ББК Т3 (2) 51-682.11,011
ББК 63.3 (2) 522-68ю11
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Issue. 83: Documents relating to the activities of the rear services of the army from 1 to 31 August 1877 - 1909. - [1], XXXIV, 363 p. .
Electronic copy source: RSL
Location on
te. Original: W 71/207; ? 507/296; ? 50/117; R 286/1
Publisher издание Военно-исторической комиссии Главнаго штаба