[Kiss], Tyumen

Zinova, Natalia Sergeevna    
[Kiss], Tyumen: photography. - Electronic graphic data (1 file). - 2015. - ). -
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All-Russian photo contest "Siberia.doc." A photo story that does not die in our hearts. 2016 \u0026 quot ;. Nomination "Smile of Siberia" .
I. "Sibir.doc", All-Russian photo contest (Tyumen, 2016) .1. Sibir.doc (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Youth - Siberia - Photos. 4. Photos - Competitions - Tyumen region. 5. Photo contests - 2016. 6. Genre photographs.
BBC 63.3 (253) 64n611
An electronic copy source: ANO "Tyumen region today"
Original storage: АНО "Тюменская область сегодня"
Catalogue object