Identifier | 57e7934defd543a6af5dc1ed14cd96aa |
Title | The list of articles with the disclosure of their content, developed by the Civil Code, compiled by the Commission for the collection of existing laws on the right of possession and ownership. There is a table of contents. In German |
Dates | 1804 |
Notes | Труды Комиссии по кодификации существующих законов и составлению нового кодекса законов Рукописный текст. Чернила |
Text language | Немецкий |
Level | Case |
Call number | РГИА. 1260 / 1 / 189 |
Cataloguing source | РГИА |
Series | 1804-1826 gg. |
Extent | 208 листов |
Fonds | Commission for drafting laws under the State Council |
Display format | |
Collections |