Leader-elite projection of political processes of modern Russia

Tsoraev, Zaurbek Olegovich    
Leader-elite projection of political processes of modern Russia: on a material of the south of Russia: the author's abstract of the dissertation. ... candidate of political sciences: 23.00.02 / Zoraev Zaurbek Olegovich; [Place of protection: Ros. acad. b. hoz-va and state. service under the President of the Russian Federation]. - Rostov-on-Don, 2016. - 22 seconds .. - ) .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Political institutions, processes and technologies.
BBC 66.041.111y031
BBK 66.31 (258), 1y031
BBK 66.3 (235.7), 1y031
Source of electronic copy: RANHiGS. Website
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