Management of the development of the economy of the northern region taking into account the interests of indigenous small people...

Alekseev, Vitaly Vladislavovich    
Management of the development of the economy of the northern region, taking into account the interests of indigenous small peoples: the author's abstract of the dissertation. ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05 / Alekseev Vitaliy Vladislavovich; [Place of protection: Ros. acad. b. hoz-va and state. service under the President of the Russian Federation]. - Moscow, 2015. - 25 s .. - ) .
1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Economics and management of the national economy.
BBK 63.529 (251) -417y031
BBK 65.9 (251) -21y031
Source of electronic copy: RANHiGS. Website
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