Identifier 45b6eaa7-77ae-46ab-a730-e19e1763e335 Title Weisbrod Abram, lawyer Dates 1929 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 Cataloguing source GA_RF Extent 45 единиц хранения Fonds Weisbrod Abram, lawyer File ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 1. Weisbrod A. V. "Three Flight". Memories of travel by plane over Moscow, Northern Altai; along the Siberian tract: Krasnoyarsk-Yeniseisk ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 10. Correspondence Weisbrode A.V. With the editors of the newspaper "News" about the articles of L. Sheynin "The heart does not resign", V. Yermilova "The need for a decline" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 11. Correspondence Weisbrode A.V. With the editors of the "Literary Newspaper" about the errors made in the script of the film "executed at the dawn" (director-director Evgeny Adrikanis) ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 12. Correspondence Weisbrod A. V. with the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, Committee on the press with the CM of the USSR, the editors of the "Literary Newspaper" on the issue of publication and setting in the theaters of the Piece "Deputy" R. Hohhuta (Germany) ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 13. Correspondence Weisbrod A.V. With the editors of the "Literary Newspaper" about the possible reissue of the works of K. Gamsuna, R. Kipling, Roman E. Hemingway "The Kom calls the bell", historical novels M. Aldanova ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 14. Correspondence Weisbrode A.V. With the editors of the "Literary Newspaper" about the publication in the XI Tom of the Collection of Works A. M. Gorky Essay on the trip to Solovki in 1929 ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 15. Correspondence Weisbrod A. V. With the Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia" on the issue of publications in the 3rd edition of the BSE articles about Yu Larina, G. I. Lomov-Podpokov, E. M. Malenkov and other participants in the revolutionary movement, public figures, leadersScience and Kul. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 16. Correspondence of veterans KPSS ATARBEKOV L. A., Vinogradskaya P.S., Goberman M. L., Kolpakova A. and.;Lawyer Weisbrod A. c.;Academician S. Wolfkovich;Historian-archivist A. V. Ylatpatiev with the Executive Committee of the Mossovet, the Executive Committee of Frunzensky district council of Moscow, ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 17. Correspondence Weisbrod A.V. With the editors of the newspaper "Izvestia" and the Moscow State University on the perpetuation of the memory of Lomova-Oppokova G. I. and the name of one of Moscow streets ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 18. Letter Weisbrode A. V., Lomova-Oppokova Yu. G., Sartakov S. V., Secretary of the Union of Writers of the USSR, with a request to consider the issue of Davydov S.V., a member of the SSP of the USSR, who threw the edition of the book about G. I. Lomov-Oople ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 19. Letters Weisbrode A. V. In the publishing house of foreign literature, the state publishing house of socio-economic literature, the state-of-visit with a proposal to publish in his translation of the book Edmon Paris "Vatican vs. Europe" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 2. Weisbrod A. V. "Memories of G. I. Podokok-Lomov" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 20. Letter Weisbrode A. V. To the editorial office of the Weekly "Radio program" with comments on the article on the upcoming broadcast on the poet V. S. Kurochina ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 21. Letter Weisbrode A. V. Andronikov I. L., writer, with a request to inform the name of the collection with the article Eikenbaum B. M. "Spaniards" Lermontov as a political tragedy " ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 22. Letters Weisbrod A. V. Lomov Yu. G. on issues of publications about the participants of the revolutionary movement ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 23. Letter Weisbroda A. V. Pillashika P. I., Writer, with a proposal to write a book about G. I. Lomov-pompokov ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 24. Letters Weisbrod A. V. Erenburg I. G., writer, with a review on his book memories ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 25. Letter Weisbrode A. V. Leon Feakhthangeru ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 26. Letters Weisbrode A. V. Schwedrubovich V. V. With reviews of the manuscript of his memories, the play R. Hohhuta "Poster" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 27. Congratulatory letters of the team of employees of the Publishing House "Agriculturaliz" Weisbrode A. V. In connection with his retirement and May 1 ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 28. Letter of Vinogradskaya P.S., writer, Weisbrod A. V. with information about Kolpaykov A. I., Theologian-Tancanlevich N. A., Beloya E. I. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 29. Letters Kalashnikova A., Head.The propaganda department of the magazine "Communist", Weisbrod A. V. On the direction of the newspaper with an article about G. I. Lomov-pompokov;Littopress magazine "New World" with the address of Polyakova E. I. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 3. Weisbrod A. V. "The next tasks of rationalization of financial management of the distribution network" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 30. Letter Kachalova V. I., Artist, Weisbrod A. V. Yeniseisk ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 31. Letters Lomova-Oppokova Yu. G. Weisbrod A. V. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 32. Letters of Lomova-Oppokova N. G. Weisbrod A. V. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 33. Letter P. I. P. I., Writer, Weisbrod A. V. On the timing of the publication of the book about the city of I. Lomov-pompokov and on other issues.Mentioned I. F. Armand, M. L. Gobermanman ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 34. Letter of Schwedrubovich V. V. Weisbrod A. V. With congratulations on the new school.Odessa ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 35. Letters of Ehrenburg I. G. Weisbrod A. V. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 36. Weisbrod V. A. "From the Past."Memories ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 37. Galich A. A. Poem "Ah, do not seek, you are Jews, liveries ..." ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 38. Speech by an unidentified person in connection with the 90th anniversary of the factory them.M. V. Frunze (Danilovskaya Manufactory) and with the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 39. Biographical references about Lomomovy-pompokia George Ippolitovich.Extracts from Shelepina's report by A. N. at the XXII Congress of the CPSU (1961), the Essay of Maryagin "Meetings with Pupil Knights", Articles M. Olminsky "Three Letters", articles from "Soviet historical encycloped ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 4. Weisbrod A. V. "National Question and Racism. Marxist National Policy against Fascist Racism" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 40. Vinogradskaya P. S. "Loves of Workers Pulling";Konovalov D. "Tireless Leninsky Wrestler";Peskov Yu. "Higher Position";Stasova E. "Life, given to the people";Flaksmanman Yu. "Outstanding Economic" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 41. Letters Lomova-Oppokova Yu. G., Lomova-Zyugenko N. G. in the Central Committee of the CPSUs on the issue of perpetuating the memory of Lomova-Opproov's memory G. I. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 42. Correspondence Lomova-Oppokova Yu. G. and Lomova-Pondokova N. G. with politicization, Volga Publishing on the issue of publishing a book about father.In the case - G. I. Lomov-Oppok."On the days of storm and onslaught" (in October 1917).2nd ed.Feature article.Volga Book publishing house ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 43. Letters Lomova-Oppokova Yu. G. Ovrucksky S., Deputy Director of the State Archive of the Saratov Region, with gratitude for the sent copies of archival documents about the Father ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 44. Lomov-Oppokov Yu. G., Lomova Zyugenko N. G. "Remarks on the draft article about Lomomov-Podokok G.I. for the" Soviet Economic Encyclopedia " ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 45. Photo of Lomova-Oppokova G. I. ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 5. Weisbrod A. V. "Fascism in the post-war period."Press review for January-March 1946. Review of the book D. Geong "Fascism and major capital" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 6. Weisbrod A.V. Essays."True on the Arysthenia" Margaret Schlauch, Professor of the New York University ";" Socialism, Bolshevism and France "Charles Alclezhier, a member of the French Socialist Party ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 7. Weisbrod A. V. "To ensure the independence of the legal advisers" ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 8. List of articles A. V. Weisbrode ГА РФ. 10178 / 1 / 9. Correspondence Weisbrode A. V. with the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR, VGSPS and other party and government organizations in connection with his activities of the lawyer and dismissal from work from the publishing house "Agrichesgiz" Display format Archival description RUSMARC