Description |
Foundation |
F. 1126. BENKENDORFI. ALOPEUSES. Shuvalov. Benckendorff Alexander Konstantinovich, count, ambassador in Denmark, England. 18 ?? - 1916. Benckendorff Konstantin, father of AK Benkendorf, military agent in Berlin, envoy at the Württemberg court. 1817-1858. Benckendorff Konstantin Khristoforovich, grandfather AK Benckendorff, Adjutant-General, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828, the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. 1785-1828. Alopeus Maxim Maximovich, a relative of Benckendorff, an envoy in Berlin. 1748-1822. Shuvalov Petr Pavlovich, justice of the peace of the Uman district of the Kiev province. 1819-1901
| Inventory | Op. 1. Benckendorff. Alopeus. Shuvalov | The case | GA RF. F. 1126 Op. 1 D. 1082 Financial report on the amounts paid by the Saxon Kingdom of Russia and Prussia on April 30, 1813 | |
a2825457-4ac6-4d40-9220-b0c2aff914e8 |
Language of the text
ger |
Financial report on the amounts paid by the Saxon Kingdom of Russia and Prussia
April 30, 1813 |
2 sheets |
Case |
Organization-creator of the record
NGO Experience |
Storage Code
GA of the Russian Federation. 1126/1/1082
In German
Handwritten text. Ink
| |