Colonel Cook's letter to General Stewart with the announcement of Austria's consent to join the coalition with Russia and Prussi...

Identifier 7751a87d-3e3d-4e91-b1d1-0be7507c384c
Title Colonel Cook's letter to General Stewart with the announcement of Austria's consent to join the coalition with Russia and Prussia v. France
Dates 1813

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Level Case
Call number ГА РФ. 1126 / 1 / 1086
Cataloguing source НПО Опыт
Series Benckendorff. Alopeus. Shuvalovs
Extent 4 листа
Fonds BENKENDORFI. ALOPEUSES. Shuvalov. Benckendorff Alexander Konstantinovich, count, ambassador in Denmark, England. 18 ?? - 1916. Benckendorff Konstantin, father of AK Benkendorf, military agent in Berlin, envoy at the Württemberg court. 1817-1858. Benckendo
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