The natives of the Yenisei north

Tugarinov, Arkady Yakovlevich (1880-1948).    
The natives of the Prieniseysky north / A. Ya. Tugarinov. Sovietization of native tribes of Turukhansk region / D.E. Lappo. - Krasnoyarsk: Bureau of Regional Studies under the Krasnoyarsk Department of the Russian Geographical Society, 1927. -18 p. ; 23 cm. - (Library of the Yenisei Local History); No. 16. -
Bibliography in the footnotes. - Without title page. Described by the cover.
I. Lappo, Dmitry Evdokimovich (1861-1936) .1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Krasnoyarsk Territory (collection). 4. Krasnoyarsk Territory: pages of history (collection). 5. Peoples of Siberia - Historical and ethnographic research. 6. Evenki.
BBK 63.529 (253)
BBK 63.521 (2 = 65)
An electronic copy source: GUNB of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Location on the original: ГУНБ of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Publisher Бюро краеведения при Красноярском отделе Русского географического общества
Catalogue object