On introducing changes in the methodology for selection of investment projects planned for implementation in the Far East and Ba...

    Russian Federation. Government.
On the introduction of changes in the methodology for selecting investment projects to be implemented in the Far East and the Baikal region: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 503 of April 28, 2017. - Moscow, 2017. -1, 3 sheets. -
At the end of the text, the signature: Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev
Place of signing: Moscow.
Electronic version of the legal act (4 files, JPEG: 3 MB).
Contains: Changes that are introduced into the methodology for selecting investment projects to be implemented in the Far East and the Baikal region: approved by Decree No. 503 of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2017. - Published in: Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of 2017, No. 20, art. . 2905; The official Internet portal of legal information (www.pravo.gov.ru) from 5.5.2017 (No. 0001201705050048).
The Government of the Russian Federation, site. http://government.ru/.
1. Power (collection). 2. Investment projects - the Russian Federation - the Far East - Legal acts. 3. Investment projects - Transbaikalia - Legal acts. 4. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.
ББК 67.401.011.11к122
ББК 65.9 (2Рос) -56к122
Source of electronic copy: Government of the Russian Federation. Website
Catalogue object