В. В. Набоков
В. В. Набоков
Biography of the writer in the work of V. V. Nabokov 1930 - early 1940's.
Volkov, Kirill Alekseevich (candidate of philological sciences). Biography of the writer in the work of V. V. Nabokov 1930 - early 1940. Moscow, 2013.
Interpretation of nineteenth-century Russian literature in the works of V. Nabokov
Glazunova, Sofya Ivanovna (Candidate of Philology). Interpretation of Russian literature of the XIX century in the works of V. Nabokov. Ivanovo, 2013.
Functioning of symbols and symbolic structures in the novels of V. Nabokov "Feat", "Despair", "Gift", "Under the sign of illegitimate children"
Krasheninnikov, Stanislav Igorevich (candidate of philological sciences). Functioning of symbols and symbolic structures in V. Nabokov's novels "Feat", "Despair", "Gift", "Under the sign of illegitimate children". Moscow, 2014.
Creativity V. Nabokov "Russian" period in the English-language literary criticism of the late 1990s and 2000s
Mikhailova, Julia Lusievna (Candidate of Philology). Creativity V. Nabokov "Russian" period in the English-language literary criticism of the late 1990s and 2000s. Voronezh, 2009.
Artistic time and space in the Russian-language novels of V. Nabokov 1920-1930
Morozov, Dmitry Viktorovich (Candidate of Philology). Artistic time and space in the Russian-language novels of V. Nabokov in 1920-1930. Kostroma, 2007.
Verbalization of emotional experience in the artistic idiolect of the writer-bilingual
Smakhtin, Evgeny Sergeevich (Candidate of Philology). Verbalization of emotional experience in the artistic idiolect of the writer-bilingual. Kursk, 2012.
Tsvetopoetika of VV Nabokov's stories: semantics, functional significance, role in text structure
Suslov, Pavel Andreevich (candidate of philological sciences). Tsvetopoetika of VV Nabokov's stories: semantics, functional significance, role in the text structure. Ivanovo, 2014.
VV Nabokov and Russian literature of the XIX century: motif of execution
Taganova, Natalia Leonidovna (Candidate of Philology). VV Nabokov and Russian literature of the XIX century: motif of execution. Ivanovo, 2007.
The problem of literary self-reflection in Nabokov's novels "The Real Life of Sebastian Knight", "Pale Flame", "Look at Harlequins"
Chistyakova, Valeria Petrovna (candidate of philological sciences). The problem of literary self-reflection in Nabokov's novels "The Real Life of Sebastian Knight", "Pale Flame", "Look at the Harlequins". Ivanovo, 2014.