Proceedings of the West Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. Issue. 2. Listostebelnye mosses of Western Siberi...

    Russian Geographical Society. West-Siberian department.
Proceedings of the West Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society = Acta Occidentalis-Sibericae sectionis Geographicae societatis Russiae. - Omsk: the publication of Zap.-Sib. ord. Russian. Geographical Society, 1922. - .
1. Russian Geographical Society. West-Siberian Division - Periodicals. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 4. Siberia Western - Geography - Periodicals. 5. Siberia Western - History - Periodicals.
BBK 26.89 (253.3) I54
BBK 63.3 (253.3) I54
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Russian Geographical Society
Issue. 2: Listostebelnye mosses of Western Siberia = Musci frondosi Siberiae Occidentalis / BS Semenov. Part 1 and 2. - 1922. -57, [I] c., [4] l. ил .. -
The author is also in Latin: B. Semionow.
On the title page, only the private title of the volume.
Bibliography in footnotes.
I. Semenov, B.S. Territory (collection). 2. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 3. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 4. Deciduous mosses - Siberia - Periodicals.
ББК 26.89 (253.3) я54
ББК 28.592.1я54
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Russian Geographical Society
Publisher издание Зап.-Сиб. отд. Русск. географического общества
Catalogue object