One hundred years of Austrian politics in the Eastern question. T. 1

Butkovskiy, Yakov N    
One hundred years of Austrian politics in the Eastern question: [in 2 tons] / was made by Ya. N. Butkovskiy. - St. Petersburg: edition of the St. Petersburg Publishing Association (Henry Hankovsky and Co.), 1888. - 20 cm .
1. Eastern question - Austria's position. 2. Austria - Foreign policy - 19 in ..
BBC 63.3 (4Avs) 5-6
Electronic copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
T. 1. - [2], 214 p. -
Copy of SPbU on the 2nd p. owner's cover with a sticker: The Library of the Society for the delivery of funds to higher women's courses. On the front page are 2 stamps: the Library of Yegor Yegorovich Zamyslovsky and the Library of the Island for delivery. means in. f. courses.
1. Russia-Austria: from the history of relationships (collection). 2. Eastern question - Austria's position. 3. Austria - Foreign policy - 19 in ..
BBC 63.3 (4Avs) 5-6
Electronic copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher издание "С-Петербургского издательского товарищества" (Генри Ханковский и К°)
Catalogue object