The novel by BL Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago" and the problem of the Moscow text

Chaglyan Shakar Kubra (Candidate of Philology).    
Roman BL Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago" and the problem of the Moscow text: the dissertation author's abstract on the competition of the scientific degree of Candidate of Philology: specialty 10.01.01 / Chaglyan Shakar Kubra; [Moscow time. state. un-t them. M.V. Lomonosov]. - Moscow, 2016. -22 sec .. -
Location of protection: Moscow. state. un-t them. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. - List of works avt .: p. 21-22 (6 names). - Bibliograf. in a substring. - As a manuscript.
1. Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich (1890 - 1960). "Doctor Zhivago" - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Russia in the faces (collection). 3. Russian language (collection). 4. Russian literature. 5. Moscow, city - Image - Formation - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBC 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 6-8,444 Pasternak, BLA031
BBC 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 6-8,43 Pasternak, BLA031
Source of the electronic copy: Moscow State University. Website
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