In the fight against drought

Peltsikh, Leonid Adolfovich (1885-1971).    
In the struggle against drought, LA Peltsikh, head of the Tambov Agricultural Institute. experimental station. - Tambov: publication of the Tambov Executive Committee, 1924. -16 p. with silt. on the cover. - .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Tambov region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. Agricultural plants - The effect of drought. 5. Agriculture - Tambov Gubernia.
BBC 65.03 (28-8Tam) 61
BBK 26.237
An electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: Tambov OUNB
Publisher издание Тамбовского уисполкома
Catalogue object