Meteorological annals of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo. The year 1908, part 1, issue. 1. Meteorological observations made in 1...

Meteorological annals of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo = Annales meteorologiques zu Zemstvo du gouvernement de Vladimir / Meteorological Agricultural Network of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo; [compiled] A. Black. - Vladimir on Klyazma: Typo-lithography of the Provincial Zemstvo Board, 1908- .
I. Black, Alexander Prokhorovych. II. Vladimir province zemstvo. Meteorological agricultural network. Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo - Activities. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Vladimir Region (collection). 4. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 5. Agricultural meteorology - Vladimir province.
ББК 26.89 (28-8Вла)
ББК 26.237
An electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: Vladimir OUNB
The year 1908, part 1, issue. 1: Meteorological observations made in 1908 at stations of the 2nd category of the Vladimir province, printed according to the international form = Observations meteorologiques faites en 1908 aux stations du II ordre du gouvernement de Vladimir, publiees d'apres la forme internationale; Issue. 2: Meteorological observations made in 1908 at stations of the 3rd category of the Vladimir province, printed in the form of "Chronicles of the Nicholas Main Physical Observatory" = Observations meteorologiques faites en 1908 aux stations du III ordre du gouvernement de Vladimir, publiees d'apres la forme des "Annales de l'Observatoire physique Central Nicolas". - 1912. -64 sec. : tab. -
Part of the text in French.
1. Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo - Activities. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Vladimir Region (collection). 4. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 5. Agricultural meteorology - Vladimir province.
ББК 26.89 (28-8Вла)
ББК 26.237
An electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: Vladimir OUNB
Publisher Типо-литография губернской земской управы
Catalogue object