National parks and reserves

National parks and reserves

On the Approval of the Rules for the Creation of Protected Areas for Certain Categories of Specially Protected Natural Territories, on the Establishment of Their Borders, on the Determination of the Protection and Use of Land Plots and Water Bodies within Such Areas

Russian Federation. Government. On the Approval of the Rules for the Creation of Protected Areas for Certain Categories of Specially Protected Natural Territories, on the Establishment of Their Borders, and on the Determination of the Regime for the Protection and Use of Land Plots and Water Bodies within Such Areas. Moscow, 2015.

On the inclusion of the federal state institution of culture "State military-historical and natural museum-reserve" Kulikovo field "in the State code of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation

      Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the inclusion of the federal state institution of culture "State military historical and natural museum-reserve" Kulikovo field "in the State code of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2009.