Far Eastern Federal District
Far Eastern Federal District
Notes of the South Ussuri Division of the State Russian Geographical Society. Issue. 2. Bibliography on flora and description of the vegetation of the Far East
Geographical Society of the USSR. (Leningrad). South Ussuri Division. Notes of the South Ussuri Division of the State Russian Geographical Society. Vladivostok: [South Ussuri Division of the State Russian Geographical Society], 1928-1929.
Вып. 2: Bibliography to the flora and description of the vegetation of the Far East. 1928.
Вып. 2: Bibliography to the flora and description of the vegetation of the Far East. 1928.
Русское географическое общество
- Kamchatka Krai
Kamchatka expedition of Fedor Pavlovich Ryabushinsky, equipped with the assistance of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Botanical department. Issue. 2. Spore plants of Kamchatka: 1) algae, 2) mushrooms
Kamchatka expedition of Fedor Pavlovich Ryabushinsky, equipped with the assistance of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Botanical department. Moscow: printing house PP Ryabushinsky, 1912-1914.
Вып. 2: Spore plants of Kamchatka: 1) algae, 2) fungi. 1914. - Primorsky Krai and Khabarovsk Krai
Journey through the valley of the Ussuri River. T. 2. On the vegetation of the Ussuri country. Additional material for the flora of the Amur Region
Maak. Richard Karlovich. 1825-1886. Journey through the valley of the Ussuri River. St. Petersburg: in the printing house V. Bezobrazov and Co., 1861.
T. 2: On the vegetation of the Ussuri country. Additional material for the flora of the Amur Region. 1861.