Identifier | 3e86ae13-6b9b-4065-a47b-87da05464af5 |
Title | A copy of the telegram from the actual State Counselor Pokotilov from Port Arthur with the report of a conversation with GA Alekseev on the customs in Dalny and on the activities of Bezobrazov |
Dates | 1903 |
Notes | Папка 25. Заседания в Порт-Артуре и телеграммы по поводу поездок Безобразова и Куропаткина Машинописный текст |
Text language | Русский |
Level | Case |
Call number | РГИА. 1622 / 1 / 190 |
Cataloguing source | РГИА |
Series | 1845-1930. |
Extent | 1 лист |
Fonds | Witte, gr. Sergei Yulievich (1849-1915), Minister of Railways, Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Chairman of the Council of Ministers |
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