Red Book of the Ivanovo Region / Government of the Ivanovo Region, Department of Land Use and Natural Resources of the Ivanovo Region, Ivanovo State University; [AT. A. Isayev and others; responsible editor: VA Isaev]. - Ivanovo: Pressto, 2007. - 30 cm -
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I. Isaev, Vladimir Anatolyevich. II. Ivanovo region. Department of Land Use and Natural Resources. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Ivanovo Region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. The natural environment of Russia (collection). 5. Red Book - Ivanovo Region. |
ББК 28.588 (2Рос-4Ива) я26 ББК 20.1
Source of the electronic copy: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Ivanovo region Location of original: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Ivanovo Region |
Т. 2: Plants and fungi. - 2007. -191 p. : ill., schemes .. - List of references: p. 183-188. . -100 copies. -ISBN 978-5-903595-73-0
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1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Ivanovo Region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. The natural environment of Russia (collection). 5. Red Book - Ivanovo Region. 6. Mushrooms - Protection - Ivanovo region. 7. Plants - Protection - Ivanovo region. |
ББК 28.588 (2Рос-4Ива) я26 ББК 20.1
Source of the electronic copy: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Ivanovo region Location of original: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Ivanovo Region |