The telegram of the outgoing adviser Pokotilov from Beijing from Beijing on Russia's assistance to China against Germany

Identifier f05e7d08-ed2c-4c24-b35d-0c0f4a382401
Title The telegram of the outgoing adviser Pokotilov from Beijing from Beijing on Russia's assistance to China against Germany
Dates 1897
Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1622 / 1 / 122
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1845-1930.
Extent 1 лист
Fonds Witte, gr. Sergei Yulievich (1849-1915), Minister of Railways, Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Chairman of the Council of Ministers
Summary Папка 22. Документы касаемые взятия Порт-Артура
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