Red Book of the Smolensk Region

Red Data Book of the Smolensk Region: Rare and Endangered Species of Animals and Plants / Smolensk Oblast Committee for Environmental Protection, Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute; responsible editor: ND Kruglov. - Smolensk: Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute, 1997. -294 p. : color. ил .. -
Bibliography: с. 280-283. - Pointers: p. 284-293.
. -15000 copies. -ISBN 5-88018-072-7 (per second) .
I. Kruglov, Nikolai Danilovich (Doctor of Biological Sciences, 1939). II. Smolensk Regional Committee for Environmental Protection. III. Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute. Karl Marx. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Smolensk region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. The natural environment of Russia (collection). 5. The Red Book of Animals - Smolensk Region. 6. Red plant book - Smolensk region. 7. Animals - Security - Smolensk region. 8. Plants - Protection - Smolensk region.
BBK 20.1
BBK 28.688 (2Ros-4Smo) I26
BBK 28.588 (2Ros-4Smo) I26
Source of the electronic copy: Department of Smolensk region for the protection, control and regulation of forest use, fauna and their habitats

The original source: The Department of the Smolensk region for the protection, control and regulation of forestry, wildlife and their environment habitat
ISBN 5-88018-072-7
Publisher Смоленский государственный педагогический институт
Catalogue object