Komi Republic. Evening fog on the Vychegda river opposite the village of Bolshaya Sluda

Zakharov, Maxim Aleksandrovich (1975).    
Komi Republic. Evening fog on the Vychegda River opposite the village of Bolshaya Sluda: [photo] / photo by MA Zakharov. - Electronic graphic data (1 file: 1 MB). -Syktyvdinsky district, Komi Republic, 2017. -
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Photo information is provided by the Republican Center for Ensuring the Functioning of Specially Protected Natural Territories and Nature Management of the Komi Republic.
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Vychegda is a river in the north of the European part of Russia. It flows in the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk region, the right and largest tributary of the Northern Dvina. The length is 1130 km. The area of ​​the river basin is covered with taiga forests (spruce, pine, birch and others), bogs are widespread. Vychegda takes in 1137 tributaries. Some of the tributaries have a large fishery importance (spawning rivers for salmon): North Keltma, Vym, etc. Alloy. Due to the instability of the bed and the mobility of the sand, Vychegda occupies the first place in Russia, which complicates the provision of navigation. - Materials used: Wikipedia, article "Vychegda" (URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D1%8B%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%B4 % D0% B0) .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: the Republic of Komi (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. The natural environment of Russia (collection). 5. Vychegda, the river (North of the European part of the Russian Federation) - Photographs. 6. Landscape photos.
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Source of the electronic copy: the State Bank of the Republic of Komi "Republican Center for Ensuring the Functioning of Specially Protected Natural Territories and Nature Management"
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