Agreement between the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet of the USSR and the Ministry of Communications of the National Gov...

    THE USSR. General Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet.
Agreement between the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet of the USSR and the Ministry of Communications of the National Government of the Republic of China on the establishment of regular air service between Almaty and Hami: [fragment of the document - the first and last sheets]: September 9, 1939 - 1939. -2 sheets. -
English text.
Original document title: Agreement between the Central Administration of the Civil Aircraft of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Ministry of Communications of the National Government of the Republic of China for the establishment of regular air communications between Hami and Alma-Ata.
Machine-written text on one side of the sheet.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation.
Document from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation. The agreement is made on a letterhead, on the perimeter there is a frame, inside the frame is a typewritten text (black ink), at the top - two wax seals hold a bow from a red satin ribbon .
I. The Republic of China. Ministry of Communications. II. Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation. Power (collection). 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Russia-China: from the history of relationships (collection). 4. USSR - Mutual relations - China - 1937 - 1941 - Documents and materials. 5. China - Relations - USSR - 1937 - 1941 - Documents and materials.
BBK 63.3 (5Kit) 614-64 (2) y1
BBK 63.3 (2) 614-64 (5Kit) y1
Source of electronic copy: WUA RF
Location on map of original: WUA RF
Catalogue object