Author Арсеньев Константин Константинович Description Arseniev, K.K. The significance of Gogol for his successors. - St. Petersburg: Type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1902. - [2], 9 s .. - Ex: with the rukop. litter. . I. Gogol. The people (the collection). Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original storage: UrFU Publisher типография Императорской Академии наук Catalogue object История и критика мировой литературы и литературы отдельных стран Россия в 1 пол. XIX в. Collections Russian People → Persons of Russia → Cultural and art workers → G → Gogol Nikolai (1809–1852) → Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852) → Oeuvre → Literary criticism