Literary criticism

Literary criticism

Malorossiyanina thought, after reading stories Rudagi beekeeper Panko-published them in a book entitled: Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, and reviews them Andria Tsarynnogo [pseudonym].

Storozhenko, Andrew Y. (1790-1858).Malorossiyanina thought, after reading stories Rudagi beekeeper Panko-published them in a book entitled: Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, and reviews them Andria Tsarynnogo [pseudonym.].St. Petersburg: type.N. Grech 1832.

School life. 1873-1874. № 8. October 23

School life.
1873-1874. № 8. October 23. [1873-1874].
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена

Contents: Ivan Fyodorovich Shponka. Viy. Children of Taras Bulba. (Scenes of school life in Gogol’s works – to the issue of educating principles). P. 155-160 [scans 9-14].

Historical essay on Russian literature. From Peter I to the death of Gogol

Burakovsky, Sergey Zakharovich (1843-1898). Historical essay on Russian literature. From Peter I to the death of Gogol. St. Petersburg: Typography of the Partnership "Public Benefit", 1878.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и юношества

A business. G. 18 1884, No. 3, March

A business. St. Petersburg: G.E. Blagoselova printing house, 1866-1888.
G. 18 1884, No. 3, March. 1884.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена

Contents: E. S. Nekrasova. N. V. Gogol: (On the method of his creative work). P. 37-68 [scans 43-74].

Russian archive. G. 28 1890, [Vol. 1] No. 2

Russian archive. Moscow: University Printing House (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 28 1890, [pr. 1] No. 2. 1890.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена

Contents: Three letters from N. F. Pavlov to N. V. Gogol about the book “Correspondence with Friends”. P. 285-309 [scans 127-151].
