Literary criticism
Literary criticism
Malorossiyanina thought, after reading stories Rudagi beekeeper Panko-published them in a book entitled: Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, and reviews them Andria Tsarynnogo [pseudonym].
Storozhenko, Andrew Y. (1790-1858).Malorossiyanina thought, after reading stories Rudagi beekeeper Panko-published them in a book entitled: Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, and reviews them Andria Tsarynnogo [pseudonym.].St. Petersburg: type.N. Grech 1832.
On the meaning of Gogol in Russian literature
Davydov, I.I. The meaning of Gogol in Russian literature.[St. Petersburg]: Type.Imp.Acad.sciences, [1852].
Samara OUNB
School life. 1873-1874. № 7. October 16
School life.
1873-1874. № 7. October 16. [1873-1874].
1873-1874. № 7. October 16. [1873-1874].
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
School life. 1873-1874. № 8. October 23
School life.
1873-1874. № 8. October 23. [1873-1874].
1873-1874. № 8. October 23. [1873-1874].
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Contents: Ivan Fyodorovich Shponka. Viy. Children of Taras Bulba. (Scenes of school life in Gogol’s works – to the issue of educating principles). P. 155-160 [scans 9-14].
Historical essay on Russian literature. From Peter I to the death of Gogol
Burakovsky, Sergey Zakharovich (1843-1898). Historical essay on Russian literature. From Peter I to the death of Gogol. St. Petersburg: Typography of the Partnership "Public Benefit", 1878.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и юношества
A business. G. 18 1884, No. 3, March
A business. St. Petersburg: G.E. Blagoselova printing house, 1866-1888.
G. 18 1884, No. 3, March. 1884.
G. 18 1884, No. 3, March. 1884.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
Contents: E. S. Nekrasova. N. V. Gogol: (On the method of his creative work). P. 37-68 [scans 43-74].
The Rev. N.V. Gogol. 1836-1886
Burakovsky, Sergei Zakharovich (1843-1898). The Rev. N.V. Gogol. 1836-1886. Novgorod: type. A.S. Fedorova, 1886.
Russian antiquity. G. 18 1887, T. 55, book. 7-9, July-September
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 18 1887, T. 55, the book. 7-9, July-September: G. 18 1887, Vol. 55, book. 7-9, July-September. 1887.
G. 18 1887, T. 55, the book. 7-9, July-September: G. 18 1887, Vol. 55, book. 7-9, July-September. 1887.
Contents: Book 9: E. S. Nekrasova. Gogol at the trial of foreign literature, 1845-1885. P. 553-571 [scans 577-594].
Russian archive. G. 28 1890, [Vol. 1] No. 2
Russian archive. Moscow: University Printing House (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 28 1890, [pr. 1] No. 2. 1890.
G. 28 1890, [pr. 1] No. 2. 1890.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
Contents: Three letters from N. F. Pavlov to N. V. Gogol about the book “Correspondence with Friends”. P. 285-309 [scans 127-151].
Case: Pyotr Osipovich Morozov, historian of literature.Materials to the biography of A.N.Ostrovsky.Chapter 1. "Russian scene in 1830-1850. Belinsky and Gogol on the tasks of Russian dramatic literature and theater"
Ostrovsky Mikhail Nikolaevich (1827-1901).Case: Pyotr Osipovich Morozov, historian of literature.Materials to the biography of A.N.Ostrovsky.Chapter 1. "The Russian scene in 1830-1850. Belinsky and Gogol on the tasks of Russian dramatic literature and theater."
- Modern studies
N. V. Gogol and the Russian intelligentsia of the 1830s-1850s
Arzhanykh, Tatyana Fedorovna (candidate of historical sciences). NV Gogol and the Russian intelligentsia of the 1830s - 1850s. Ivanovo, 2006.Rinology of NV Gogol: typological aspects
Bychkova, Alina Yurievna (Candidate of Philology). Rinology of NV Gogol: typological aspects. Tomsk, 2014.NV Gogol in the creative mind of MA Bulgakov
Vasilyeva, Marina Gennadievna (Candidate of Philology). N. V. Gogol in the creative consciousness of M. A. Bulgakov. Tomsk, 2005.Strange transformations in the motive structure of small prose NV Gogol 1830 - 1840's.
Volokonskaya, Tatyana Aleksandrovna (candidate of philological sciences). Strange transformations in the motive structure of small prose NV Gogol 1830 - 1840-ies. Saratov, 2014.Functions of vehicles in the artistic world of NV Gogol
Vranchan, Elena Vitalievna (Candidate of Philology). Functions of vehicles in the artistic world of NV Gogol. Novosibirsk, 2011.The phenomenon of "triple" in the Russian literature of the 1830s: AS Pushkin, NV Gogol, VF Odoevsky
Genina, Ninel Evgenievna (candidate of philological sciences). The phenomenon of "triple" in the Russian literature of the 1830s: AS Pushkin, NV Gogol, VF Odoevsky. Tomsk, 2010.Moral Constants in the Work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Golubeva, Svetlana Vladimirovna (candidate of philosophical sciences). Moral constants in the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Ivanovo, 2014.N. V. Gogol and W. Shakespeare: poetics of dramaturgy in comparative light
Evdokimov, Andrei Andreevich (Candidate of Philology, 1982 -). N. V. Gogol and W. Shakespeare: poetics of dramaturgy in comparative light. Moscow, 2011.Motives rumors in the novels of N. V. Gogol
Efremycheva, Larisa Alexandrovna. Motives rumors in the novels of N. Gogol. Saratov, 2015.Gogol's "word" in the works of M. A. Bulgakov
Ivanova, Evgenia Sergeevna (Candidate of Philology). Gogol's "word" in the works of M. A. Bulgakov. Tambov, 2016.The image of France in the creative consciousness of N.V.Gogol
The image of France in the creative consciousness of N.V.Gogol.2008.Visuality in the poetics of NV Gogol: the narrative aspect
Kaufman, Svetlana Nikolaevna (candidate of philological sciences). Visuality in the poetics of NV Gogol: the narrative aspect. Novosibirsk, 2013.The multidimensionality of NV Gogol's prose: extrafabulous characters and unreal forces
Katsadze, Kristina Georgievna (candidate of philological sciences). The multidimensionality of NV Gogol's prose: extrafarious characters and surreal forces. Ivanovo, 2011.The creative personality of the writer in the epistolary heritage (on the basis of NV Gogol, FM Dostoevsky and MM Zoshchenko)
Creative personality of the writer in the epistolary heritage (on the material of NV Gogol, FM Dostoevsky and MM Zoshchenko). 2008.Modifications adventurous hero in the artistic system of NV Gogol (Khlestakov - Nozdrev - Kochkarev)
Kuchina, Svetlana Anatolievna. Modifications adventurous hero in the artistic system of NV Gogol (Khlestakov - Nozdrev - Kochkarev). Novosibirsk, 2007.The prose of N.V. Gogol in the dramatic experiments of the line of the XX-XXI centuries.
The prose of N.V. Gogol in the dramatic experiments of the line of the XX-XXI centuries 2022.The inner man in the Russian and French literary tradition
Nezovibatko, Olga Evgenievna (candidate of philological sciences). The inner man in the Russian and French literary tradition. Saratov, 2014.Traditions of the genres of Russian pre-romantic dramaturgy in Nikolai Gogol's plays
Nechiporenko, Natalia Valentinovna (Candidate of Philology). Traditions of the genres of dramaturgy of Russian pre-romantism in Nikolai Gogol's plays. Kazan, 2012.The problem of the effectiveness of words in the artistic world of NV Gogol
Nikolaeva, Polina Vladimirovna (candidate of philological sciences). The problem of the effectiveness of words in the artistic world of NV Gogol. Ivanovo, 2008.The Border Problem in N. Gogol's Petersburg Narrations
Praskovyina, Margarita Vitalevna (Candidate of Philological Sciences). The problem of the border in the N. V. Gogol's Petersburg stories. Saratov, 2013.The image of Germany in the creative consciousness of N. V. Gogol
Ryasov, Daniil Leonidovich (Candidate of Philology). The image of Germany in the creative consciousness of NV Gogol. Saratov, 2015."Selected passages from correspondence with friends" by N. V. Gogol and Russian journalism of the first half of the 1840s: the problem of conservative ideology
Sartakov, Egor Vladimirovich (Candidate of Philology). "Selected passages from correspondence with friends" by N. V. Gogol and Russian journalism of the first half of the 1840s: the problem of conservative ideology. Moscow, 2013.The idiostyle of N. V. Gogol in the aspect of linguocognitive poetics
Sivkova, Anna Vadimovna (Candidate of Philology). The idiostyle of N. V. Gogol in the aspect of linguocognitive poetics. Kaliningrad, 2007.Interpretation of N. Gogol's works in the Russian book illustration of the XIX - XX centuries.
Sin Hyo Cho (Candidate of Cultural Studies). Interpretation of N. Gogol's works in the Russian book illustration of the XIX - XX centuries. Moscow, 2011.Laughter and silence as forms of consciousness and behavior of characters in Nikolai Gogol's narrative work
Sirotkina, Natalia Viktorovna (Candidate of Philology). Laughter and silence as forms of consciousness and behavior of characters in N. Gogol's narrative work. Ivanovo, 2013.Social and literary background of the story "Notes of a Madman" by N. V. Gogol
Skripnik, Alena Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology). Social and literary background of the story "Notes of a Madman" by N. V. Gogol. Tomsk, 2008.The phenomenon of the night in the work of NV Gogol
Stanichuk, Igor Anatolievich (candidate of philological sciences). The phenomenon of the night in the work of NV Gogol. Tver, 2014.Philosophy and poetics of the four elements in the creative system of NV Gogol
Tretyakov, Evgeny Olegovich (Candidate of Philology). Philosophy and poetics of the four elements in the creative system of NV Gogol. Tomsk, 2014.Philosophy of Nature NV Gogol and the poetics of nature in his prose
Tulyakova, Elena Ivanovna (Candidate of Philology). Philosophy of Nature NV Gogol and the poetics of nature in his prose. Tomsk, 2006.The evolution of Nikolai Gogol's narrative system
Filonov, Evgeny Anatolievich (candidate of philological sciences). Evolution of the narrative system of NV Gogol. St. Petersburg, 2014.Rhetorical text in Nikolai Gogol's Petersburg Stories
Chernigovskaya, Maria Semenovna (Candidate of Philology). Rhetorical text in St. Petersburg's novels by N. Gogol. Ulan-Ude, 2008.
Contents: Educating Principles. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov: (Literary types of education from Gogol’s works). P. 147-156 [scans 5-14].