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Fyodor Ushakov in the spotlight of the Presidential Library
24 February 2020
February 24, 2020 marks the 276th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Ushakov (1744–1817), the illustrious Russian naval commander, admiral, one of the founders of the Black Sea Fleet. He developed and applied maneuverable tactics, won a number of major victories over the Turkish fleet, and successfully conducted the Mediterranean campaign of the Russian fleet during the war against France.
любой ценой, при любых условиях» – это был его девиз. Так в книге «Адмирал Ушаков» написано...Фёдор Фёдорович Ушаков: «Победа любой ценой, при любых условиях»
Making a tour around the Presidential Library is now available from any part of the world
28 June 2018
Today, June 28, 2018 the Presidential Library provided journalists a new project - a virtual tour around the historic building of the Synod, which nowadays is a modern multi-cultural, educational, research and educational center.
убранстве, ходе строительства и реставрации, о деятельности учреждения. Из любого уголка мира сегодня...Совершить экскурсию по Президентской библиотеке теперь можно из любой точки мира
Information technology and museums: The first cinema in Russia in the museum, showing films on any media, was opened in the State Tretyakov Gallery
5 July 2017
The State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) opened its cinema. It has become the first cinema in our country, which operates under the museum.
Информационные технологии и музеи: Первый в России кинотеатр в музее, демонстрирующий фильмы на любых носителях, открыли в Третьяковской галерее