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Conversations about literature of Ancient Rus’ in the Transbaikal Library

4 May 2018
May 4, the Pushkin Transbaikal Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted a meeting organized by the Transbaikal Regional Center of the Presidential Library, the Department of Rare Books and Book Monuments of the Library in conjunction with the Faculty of Philology and Mass Communications of Transbaikal State University.
Беседы о литературе Древней Руси в Забайкальской библиотеке

Modest Mussorgsky: “Art is a means to talk with people, but not a goal!”

21 March 2020
The descendant of an old princely family, dating back to the Rurikovich, and the grandson of the serf Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky was born on March 21, 1839 in a family estate in the village of Karevo, Pskov province.
жизни, говорит: „Искусство есть средство для беседы с людьми, а не цель!“». В начале 60-х годов...М. П. Мусоргский: «Искусство есть средство для беседы с людьми, а не цель!»

The representative office in Warsaw launched a new project: Polish-Russian talks in the library of the Russian Center for Science and Culture

7 March 2018
Dialogues are of particular importance in the era of monologues. The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Warsaw is launching a new project aimed at creating a new type of dialogue platform based on topical interviews of Polish cultural figures and practitioners of Polish-Russian cultural and humanitarian contacts.
контекст». Первая беседа записана с польским исполнителем и популяризатором русского романса Мачеем...Представительство в Варшаве запустило новый проект: польско-российские беседы в библиотеке Российского центра науки и культуры

Russian language abroad: Support of Russian language in Israel

11 February 2010
The forth meeting with parents and children, focused on the problems of Russian language development in the situation of bilingualism, took place in the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv.
Беседа с родителями и детьми, посвящённая проблемам развития русской речи в условиях двуязычия...Беседа с родителями и детьми, посвящённая проблемам развития русской речи в условиях двуязычия

The Presidential Library’s film screening marked the history of the development of judo in St. Petersburg

21 April 2023
On April 21, 2023 the Presidential Library showed the documentary film "Conversations about Judo". The film was created by the Anatoly Rakhlin Support and Development Judo Foundation as well as the Teleinvest studio and was of interest to everyone who was fond of the history of judo.
«Беседы о дзюдо». Картина создана Фондом поддержки и развития дзюдо им. Анатолия Рахлина и студией... «Беседы о дзюдо». Картина создана Фондом поддержки и развития дзюдо им. Анатолия Рахлина и студией «Телеинвест».

Exhibitions: The exposition “Dialogues” from the collection of the Astrakhan Art Gallery opened

1 March 2015
In the Astrakhan Art Gallery until April 19, 2015 is running the exhibition "Dialogues", which presents more than 80 paintings and drawings from the collection of the gallery with the image of a dialogue (conversation) as composite and semantic element.
(разговора, беседы) как композиционного и смыслового элемента. Работы, экспонируемые на выставке..., в буквальном смысле отражают разнообразные грани человеческого общения, беседы, разговора... и раскрывает следующие темы: чтение как диалог с книгой, диалог или беседа как литературный жанр..., представленных на выставке, примеры диалогов и бесед, вошедших в сокровищницу мировой культуры. ... (разговора, беседы) как композиционного и смыслового элемента.  

The Presidential Library’s film screening to mark the history of the development of judo in St. Petersburg

21 April 2023
On April 21, 2023 at 11:30 the Presidential Library will show the documentary film "Conversations about Judo". The film was created by the Anatoly Rakhlin Support and Development Judo Foundation as well as the Teleinvest studio and will be of interest to everyone who is fond of the history of judo.
21 апреля 2023 года в 11:30 Президентской библиотеке состоится показ документального фильма «Беседы... «Беседы о дзюдо». Картина создана Фондом поддержки и развития дзюдо им. Анатолия Рахлина и студией

"The Pioneer of Color Photography" lecture held in Baku

24 October 2018
As part of the “Conversations about Art” project of the Russian Information and Cultural Center in Baku, the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan held a lecture by the writer and photographer Rustam Guseynov “The Pioneer of Color Photography” dedicated to the 155th anniversary of Russian photographer, chemist and inventor Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky.
В рамках проекта Российского информационно-культурного центра в Баку «Беседы об искусстве...В рамках проекта Российского информационно-культурного центра в Баку «Беседы об искусстве

The National Library of the Republic of Komi was presented with electronic collections of the Presidential Library

22 January 2018
January 21, 2018 in the National Library of the Republic of Komi in Syktyvkar, the Digital Collections of the Presidential Library "The Holy Synod in the History of Russian Statehood", "History of the Russian Orthodox Church" and "Orthodox Russia. Monasteries and icons" within the framework of the" Sunday Orthodox Conversations" cycle were presented.
«Воскресных православных бесед». Подробно об электронных ресурсах рассказал сотрудник Регионального... по православной тематике в рамках «Воскресных православных бесед» будет продолжаться. Вместе с тем на портале... государственности», «История Русской Православной Церкви» и «Православная Россия. Монастыри и иконы» в рамках цикла «Воскресных православных бесед».

The Presidential Library and IPA CIS develop cooperation

1 March 2023
On March 1, 2023, a meeting of Dmitry Kobitsky, Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council, and Yuri Nosov, Director General of the Presidential Library, took place at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. During the conversation, the prospects of cooperation between organizations in the scientific, cultural, educational and legislative spheres were discussed.
секретаря Совета МПА СНГ Дмитрия Кобицкого. В ходе беседы обсуждались перспективы взаимодействия... секретаря Совета МПА СНГ Дмитрия Кобицкого. В ходе беседы обсуждались перспективы взаимодействия

I. S. Turgenev “I want truth, not salvation ...”: - the Presidential Library’s collections dedicated to his 200th anniversary present

9 November 2018
“Conversations and arguments with him relieved my feelings. It is gratifying to meet a person, whose original and characteristic opinion, clashing with yours, makes sparks ... ”, - writes Belinsky about Turgenev. This is quoted in the article by A. Smirnov “I. S. Turgenev” (1908) available on the Presidential Library’s portal.
«Беседы и споры с ним отводили мне душу. Отрадно встретить человека, самобытное и характерное... под влиянием бесед с Тургеневым и его произведений». С 1847 года Иван Сергеевич жил большей частью...«Беседы и споры с ним отводили мне душу. Отрадно встретить человека, самобытное и характерное

Society and Book Culture: Orthodox Book Days underway in Veliky Novgorod

16 March 2012
As a part of the annual Orthodox Book Day, March 14th – 21st 2012 Veliky Novgorod is running a series of events: book exhibitions, tours to monasteries of Novgorod and Saint Sophia Cathedral’s library, meetings with writers and poets, discussions of priests and schoolchildren, concerts of choirs of Sunday schools of Veliky Novgorod.
собора, творческие встречи с писателями и поэтами, беседы священников со школьниками, концертные... собора, творческие встречи с писателями и поэтами, беседы священников со школьниками, концертные

The Bronze Horseman - Guardian of St. Petersburg

18 August 2022
“Who of us, passing through Petrovsky Square, did not stop in front of the monument to Peter I...who arranged and enlightened Russia, making it strong and powerful? - writes the historian and theologian Anton Ivanovsky (1823-1873) in the book Conversations about Peter the Great and his collaborators (1872), posted on the Presidential Library’s portal. “But when viewing this monument, did any of us have to think about how much work and incredible efforts had to be used to build this marvelous...
Ивановский (1823–1873) в книге «Беседы о Петре Великом и его сотрудниках» (1872), размещённой... Антон Ивановский (1823–1873) в книге «Беседы о Петре Великом и его сотрудниках» (1872), размещённой

The Presidential Library’s collections showcase Vladimir Dal - lexicographer, military doctor, sapper, holder of the Vladimir Cross

22 November 2018
“Eagerly catching native speeches, words and rhetorical twists, he wrote them down ... How many times during hot conversation, snatching up a notebook, he managed to write down a speech or a word that someone escaped from his tongue - and no one heard him! There was no such a word in the dictionaries, and it was purely Russian”, - we read in the study of J. Groth “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. I. Dahl” from the Presidential Library’s collections.
среди жаркой беседы, выхватив записную книжку, записать в ней оборот речи или слово, которое у кого... среди жаркой беседы, выхватив записную книжку, записать в ней оборот речи или слово, которое у кого

Internet and Culture: Culture.RF portal to broadcast a series of discussions about the School of London

22 March 2019
On March 22, 2019 the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and scienceme.ru project are launching a series of discussions focused on the School of London. The series of discussions is timed to coincide with the ongoing exhibition “Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and the School of London”, which will be open in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts until May 19.
— искусствоведы, писатели, научные сотрудники — проведут семь бесед на разные темы: от отражения в искусстве... и пугающие картины мастеров Лондонской школы — Фрэнсиса Бэкона, Люсьена Фрейда и других. Все беседы... — искусствоведы, писатели, научные сотрудники — проведут семь бесед на разные темы: от отражения в искусстве

The quiz "What do you know about Russia?" held in Birobidzhan

12 June 2021
June 12 our country celebrates one of the youngest public holidays in our country – Russia Day. On the eve of this significant date a quiz conversation “What do you know about Russia?” was held at the Birobidzhan Regional Center of the Presidential Library on June 10. 2021. The guests of the educational and game event were schoolchildren attending the summer recreation area at Lyceum No. 23.
центре Президентской библиотеки состоялась беседа-викторина «Что ты знаешь о России?». Гостями.... Из беседы ребята узнали об истории и традициях празднования Дня России. Главной темой викторины... центре Президентской библиотеки состоялась беседа-викторина «Что ты знаешь о России?». Гостями