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Найдено 174 материала
Prospects for further development of the Eurasian Economic Union touched upon at the Presidential Library
11 December 2018
Strengthening cooperation of Eurasian countries in the context of global changes in the world has become the main theme of the VI International Forum "Eurasian Economic Perspective", which took place in the Presidential Library.
Валентины Матвиенко и временно исполняющего обязанности губернатора Санкт-Петербурга Александра
Topical issues of modern education spotlighted at the Presidential Library
29 March 2019
On March 29, 2019 a plenary meeting of the St. Petersburg International Educational Forum "Modern Education: The Code of the Era" was held at the Presidential Library. The event was attended by representatives of federal and regional authorities, teachers, scientists, cultural workers of Russia and many countries of the world.
столицей российского образования, – обратился к участникам заседания временно исполняющий обязанности
The Presidential Library and the Academy of Russian Ballet develop cooperation
24 May 2023
On May 24, 2023 the Presidential Library subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet signed a cooperation agreement as well as opened an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Academy. Marking the Year of the Teacher and Mentor, the oldest ballet school in Russia, the first in our country and one of the best professional schools in the world, is celebrating 285 years since its foundation. The events...
со дня своего основания. Мероприятия проводились в Президентской библиотеке.
Исполняющий... обязанности ректора Академии Русского балета Николай Цискаридзе отметил: «В нашей стране традиция балета
The Presidential Library attended the International Library Congress in Republic of Belarus
20 October 2023
From October 19-20, 2023 the X International Congress “The Library as a Cultural Phenomenon” was held in Minsk marking the Year of Peace and Creation declared in Republic of Belarus. The Presidential Library’s delegation attended the events of the congress.
коллегам рассказала временно исполняющий обязанности директора департамента по библиотечному взаимодействию
A cycle of lectures "Outstanding Historians of the XX century" launched at the Presidential Library
2 November 2020
November 2, 2020, at 11:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library will host the first lecture from the cycle "Outstanding Historians of the XX century" as part of the Knowledge of Russia project. The subject of the event is “Alexander Alexandrovich Fursenko - Academician, Americanist, Person”.
Сергей Исаев, кандидат исторических наук, исполняющий обязанности заведующего отделом всеобщей истории
International Victors’ Forum “Great Victory Achieved Through Unity” held in the Presidential Library
25 April 2019
Today, April 25, 2019, the Presidential Library hosted the events of the IX International Victors’ Forum "Great Victory Achieved Through Unity", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege.
временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Санкт-Петербурга Александр Беглов. Он также поприветствовал
The new agreement between the Presidential Library and the North-West Institute of Management of the RANEPA to be concluded for the benefit of the recent history of Russia
26 November 2018
The Presidential Library and the North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) under the President of the Russian Federation are furthering cooperation.
большое значение, оно будет работать на будущее России. Об этом в своём выступлении говорил исполняющий... обязанности генерального директора Президентской библиотеки Валентин Сидорин: «Благодаря документам
Let's create history together: the Presidential Library has launched a large-scale cultural program at the New Year’s Book Salon
13 December 2018
The Presidential Library presented the “Living Room of Historical Knowledge” at the First St. Petersburg New Year’s Book Salon, which today, December 13, 2018, first accepted the attendees.
на портале учреждения.
Выступая перед собравшимися, исполняющий обязанности генерального директора
The Presidential Library’s video lecture marking Alexander Nevsky’s 800th anniversary
29 April 2021
April 29, 2021 the Presidential Library, as part of the Knowledge of Russia project, hosted a video lecture entitled "Alexander Nevsky’s Historical Memory", timed to coincide with the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Faithful Saint Prince. His anniversary will be celebrated on May 13, 2021. The event spotlighted the personality of Alexander Nevsky and the peculiarities of the historical era he lived.
об Александре Невском и его подвигах.
Исполняющий обязанности заведующего кафедрой истории России
“Statute on National Defense Council” adopted
21 June 1905
8 (21) June 1905 was adopted a “Statute on National Defense Council”.
или болезни председателя его обязанности исполнял один из членов Совета по назначению императора
The Presidential Library’s materials illustrate the history of the emergence of the Naval Charter
24 January 2023
Alexander III said that in the whole world Russia had only two faithful allies - its army and navy. And if the regular army in our state was formed around the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible, then our country owed the appearance of the “second ally” - the fleet - to Peter I. He also became the author of the first Russian Naval Charter, which was adopted on January 24, 1720. The Presidential Library’s portal features rare editions of the charter, with research materials that reveal the...
к российскому флоту», в котором закрепляются дисциплинарные нормы. В 64 статьях расписаны обязанности чинов... и обязанности приписанных к нему должностных лиц. В третьей книге самая объёмная глава – обязанности... исполняя службу государя и отечества», – подчёркивал Петр в главе «О благом поведении на кораблях
Presidential Library marks 305th anniversary of Peter the Great's Naval Charter's establishment
24 January 2025
305 years ago, on January 24, 1720, Peter the Great approved the first Russian Naval Charter. This document laid down the basic laws and regulations for the Navy.
руководстве Военно-морского флота. Петру было важно не только изложить обязанности..., и самая объёмная глава в ней подробно расписывала обязанности капитана: как он должен относиться... себя подвергать должность имеют, неотложно исполняя службу государя и Отечества», – так писал Пётр I... и нравственных обязанностей. Именно эта мысль, поддерживаемая православной традицией, стала основой Морского
The Presidential Library to examine historical sources
8 December 2020
December 8, 2020 at 11:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library will host an interdisciplinary video lecture entitled “Learning to Analyze Historical Sources” as part of the Knowledge of Russia project. The event has been organized jointly with the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Scientific Library (Yekaterinburg).
, исполняющий обязанности заведующего отделом всеобщей истории, старший научный сотрудник Санкт
The Presidential Library’s video lecture marking Alexander Nevsky’s 800th anniversary
29 April 2021
April 29, 2021, at 11:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library, as part of the Knowledge of Russia project, will host a video lecture entitled "Alexander Nevsky’s Historical Memory", timed to coincide with the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Faithful Saint Prince. His anniversary will be celebrated on May 13, 2021. The event will tell about the personality of Alexander Nevsky and the peculiarities of the historical era he lived.
Исполняющий обязанности заведующего кафедрой истории России и археологии, руководитель Старорусской
Birthday anniversary of Peter G. of Oldenburg
26 August 1812
14 (26) August 1812, in Yaroslavl, was born Peter G. (Konstantin Friedrich Peter) of Oldenburg, Duke, General of Infantry (1841), Chairman of the St. Petersburg Supervisory Board (from 1844), Chief of the IV Office of His Imperial Majesty's Chancellery for institutions of Empress Maria (1860-1881), Senator (1834-1838), member of the State Council (1836).
чин генерал-майора (1832) и звание генерал-лейтенанта (1834), с 1836 г. исполнял обязанности
A prominent military leader A. V. Suvorov in the historical documents and memories of contemporaries — on the Presidential Library website
24 November 2017
On November 24, 2017, is celebrated the next anniversary of birth of the great Russian military leader Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. An extensive array of sources dedicated to an exclusive commander who has not lost a single battle is available on the Presidential Library website. The collection contains the digital copies of research works, popular science publications, collections of documents and visual materials.
платье и всегда с особой охотой исполнял все солдатские обязанности. Во время солдатской службы
The Presidential Library to examine historical sources
8 December 2020
December 8, 2020 at 11:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library will host an interdisciplinary video lecture entitled “Learning to Analyze Historical Sources” as part of the Knowledge of Russia project. The event has been organized jointly with the Belinsky Sverdlovsk Scientific Library (Yekaterinburg).
, исполняющий обязанности заведующего отделом всеобщей истории, старший научный сотрудник Санкт
Birthday anniversary of Alexander Karpinsky, founder of the Russian Geological Research School, first elected president of the Russian Academy of Science
7 January 1847
December 26, 1846 (January 7, 1847), in the family of a mining engineer of Theological plant at Turinsky mines in the Urals, was born Alexander Petrovich Karpinsky, a Russian geologist, social activist, founder of the Russian Geological Research School, a member Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the first elected president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Mineralogical Society, one of the organizers and director of the Geological Committee.
академиком, в 1896 г. — ординарным академиком. С 1916 г. он исполнял обязанности вице-президента Академии
The Presidential Library to spotlight the AR-performance dedicated to Matilda Kshesinskaya’s 150th anniversary
31 August 2022
On August 31, 2022, marking the 150th anniversary of the great Russian ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, at 15:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library will host a meeting with the creators of the AR-performance “Matilda Kshesinskaya - a brilliant reality of the Russian ballet”. The event will be held as part of the cultural and educational project Knowledge of Russia.
-просветительского проекта «Знание о России».
Встречу откроют исполняющий обязанности генерального
Open discussion on the implementation of Russian educational policy in interdepartmental cooperation to take place at the Presidential Library
25 April 2024
On April 25, 2024 at 15:00, within the framework of the VII National Scientific and Methodological Conference with international participation “Architecture of University Education: Strategic Initiatives and Effective Solutions”, the Presidential Library, subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, will hold an open discussion “Strategic tools in the implementation of educational policy Russia in interdepartmental interaction".
развития образования Ковальчук Ольга Владимировна, исполняющий обязанности директора Академической
Multimedia exhibition "320 anniversary. Ships and years" presented in Presidential Library
21 October 2024
On October 21, 2024, the Presidential Library celebrated the grand opening of the multimedia exhibition 320 Anniversary. Ships and Years. This is a joint project between the Presidential Library and Admiralty Shipyards to commemorate the 320th anniversary of the enterprise's founding.
. Сегодняшняя выставка – один из таких проектов».
В мероприятии принял участие временно исполняющий... обязанности генерального директора Акционерного общества «Адмиралтейские верфи» Андрей Быстров
The Presidential Library launched events dedicated to Daniil Granin’s anniversary
11 December 2018
December 11, 2018, as part of a series of events to perpetuate the memory, preparation and celebration of the centenary anniversary of the birth of an honorary citizen of St. Petersburg, survivor of blockade, a front-line soldier, writer and public figure Daniil Granin (1919–2017), a multimedia exhibition was opened in the Presidential Library as well as a video lecture under the general name “D. A. Granin and the Youth”. Attendees were presented the book “D. A. Granin and the Youth: University...
Как рассказал исполняющий обязанности генерального директора Президентской библиотеки Валентин Сидорин
The Presidential Library’s Academic Council considered issues related to archiving network resources and standardizing their accounting systems
5 October 2018
The agenda of the autumn, 16th meeting of the Academic Council of the Presidential Library, held on October 5, 2018, included issues of archiving network resources, standardizing their accounting systems, describing and storing, holding specialized exhibitions and electronic accounting of museum funds, mobile scanning of cultural heritage objects, implementation of joint projects of the Presidential Library and institutions of higher education and other issues.
, – отметил исполняющий обязанности генерального директора Президентской библиотеки Валентин Сидорин
Сoach Anatoly Rakhlin has been recalled at the video lecture in the Presidential Library
8 October 2018
The origin of judo in Russia, its importance in our country, as well as the role of a mentor in this kind of martial arts, were the main topics of the video lecture “Personality in History: the Path of Anatoly Rakhlin”. The focus of the lecture was the confidential conversation with the audience of the son of the famous coach, honored coach of Russia, president of the Judo Turbo Builder Club, member of the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg Mikhail Rakhlin - the author of the book Anatoly Rakhlin...
», отметил исполняющий обязанности генерального директора Президентской библиотеки Валентин Сидорин
The Presidential Library celebrated Mikhail Bobrov’s 95th jubilee
10 August 2018
The Presidential Library hosted an important large-scale event, a number of speakers and documented multimedia materials. The occasion required: the 95th jubilee of the honorary citizen of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Mikhailovich Bobrov. The anniversary celebrant watched the event on-line: a live broadcast was available on the Presidential Library portal.
знаменитый отец растил в спартанской обстановке.
Как сказал исполняющий обязанности председателя Комитета