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Commemorative Dates of Russia: An exhibition timed to coincide with the 125th anniversary of Anastasia Tsvetaeva’s birth mounted in Moscow
20 August 2019
The 125th anniversary of Anastasia Tsvetaeva’s birth is marked this year. On August 20, 2019 the Tsvetaeva House Museum in Moscow is presenting the exhibition “The Many Faces of Asya”: Character, Life and Work of Anastasia Tsvetaeva”. It is dedicated to this wonderful person: sister of the great poet, talented writer, memoirist, “witness of the century”, a fragile but strong-willed woman, who showed enormous strength of character in times of hardship.
испытаниях несокрушимую силу духа.
Анастасия Цветаева (1894–1993) пережила три революции, две мировые..., мемуаристке, «свидетелю века», хрупкой женщине с волевым характером, проявившей в тяжких жизненных испытаниях несокрушимую силу духа.
Unknown facts about the State Duma of the Russian Empire available in the Presidential Library’s collections
19 August 2021
A major event in the social and political life of the Russian Empire, the Manifesto On the Establishment of the State Duma in Russia, signed by Emperor Nicholas II, took place on August 6 (19 - according to the new style). On the same day, the Statute on the Elections to the State Duma was published.
с торжеством из постигших её ныне тяжких испытания и возродится в запечатленных тысячелетнею ея историей... с торжеством из постигших её ныне тяжких испытания и возродится в запечатленных тысячелетнею ея