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Christmas concert of the State Academic Capella — on the Presidential Library website
28 December 2017
Shortly before the New Year’s on December 28, 2017, the concert of the Chamber Orchestra of the State Academic Capella of St. Petersburg will be aired live on the Presidential Library website.
библиотеке будет исполнена музыка таких выдающихся композиторов, как Иоганнес Брамс, Антонин Дворжак, Астор
The evening of classical music in the Russian Cultural Center in Washington
15 September 2017
The Russian Cultural Center in Washington has opened a new season of its cultural programs, the diversity and quality of which is aimed to satisfy the demands of the perceptive Washington public.
Людвига ван Бетховена и Иоганна Брамса в исполнении талантливой пианистки Анны Нижегородцевой
World libraries: Rare manuscripts displayed at the National Library of Australia
25 August 2011
From musical scores, scientific equations, political manifestos and plaintive letters, handwriting is fast becoming a lost art.
музыкальные оркестровки произведений Иоганна Себастьяна Баха, Рихарда Вагнера, Иоганнеса Брамса
History and Culture: The Russian State Library presents “Portrait Gallery in Printed Music of the 17th — 19th cc” exhibition
24 February 2019
“Portrait Gallery in Printed Music of the 17th – 19th cc” exhibition kicked off in the Concert Hall of the Russian State Library Printed Music and Sound Recordings Department (Moscow). The exhibition showcases around 50 portraits of two categories: composers and musicians, as well as people, whom these works were dedicated to – members of the royal dynasty, generals, inventors, the clergy and public figures. The exhibition will be open until April 4.
, Ференца Листа, Иоганнеса Брамса и других композиторов.
В российском нотоиздательском деле в XIX
World Libraries: New unique website brings together USA’s and UK’s music treasures
16 March 2011
The Library of Congress has launched a Music Consortium Treasures website that gives online access to some of the world's most valued music manuscript and print materials from six esteemed institutions.
европейских мастеров, как Бах, Моцарт, Бетховен, Брамс, а также американских композиторов, среди